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Hey everyone!  It's time for a new comic project!  I want to make a comic using Fable Figures, digital paintover, and AI...  I know, its a crazy idea, but allow me to explain!

Up until now, I've struggled with how I could incorporate my hand made figures into a form of content that was in spirit and style of my hand drawn art!  Its difficult to break through the barrier of real life object to stylized digital painting!

My prototype for many of these ideas has been the Toriel figure.  Her uniquely thicc design forced a complete overhaul in how I made armatures, being the first solid joint design I'd attempted!  This design served as a faithful test bed for many of the ideas that I will be incorporating into future figures, and soon, comics!

Due to all the upgrades that Toriel helped refine, her overall armature and design is outdated, and needs full rebuild from the ground up to make use of them!

So before creating the next Fable Figure, I want to ask everyone what characters you would like to see made, and star in a comic!  

Let me know who you want made next!  Thanks!