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Hello to all my dear patrons. Before we begin with the secondary polls, I would like to clarify a couple of things to make it easier for you to decide who to vote for and have an idea of what to expect. During the polls, characters will have letters next to their names, which represent the type of body they will have.

These letters are as follows:

  • M for MILF: These are mostly chubby and curvaceous women with small marks of cellulite, stretch marks, moles, etc. In addition to having a certain age that will be reflected in their faces in most cases. Most milfs could be categorized as women who are already in their 30s or 40s with a highly lascivious figure. If a character that could be categorized as young has this letter next to their name, it means that their age will also be increased to make them look like a milf. Milfs may or may not be slightly bimbofied, I will decide this when I start sculpting the character, as not all of them will really fit with that type of face. They may have abundant pubic hair or not, depending on the character (but most of them, will do), and often will have young sexual partners or, in some rare cases, partners from their own video game franchises.


  • Double M or MM is for Muscular Milf: Referring to characters with curvy, lascivious, and even intimidating bodies, alongside muscularity. They have a large and toned body, although they may or may not have marks on their bodies like cellulite or stretch marks. Like milfs, their faces reflect a certain age in most cases. Basically, they are milfs but muscular. These characters are rarely bimbofied.


  • G for GILFS: which are characters who are over 56 years old, curvaceous, chubby, and extremely nymphomaniacal and predatory, even more so than milfs. Unlike other characters, gilfs will always have a slightly or pronouncedly bimbofied face. In the example images, this is quite pronounced, but it can vary depending on the character. They have wrinkles and certain age marks on their bodies. Additionally, they have abundant pubic hair. Therefore, gilfs will almost ALWAYS be presented in sets with young sexual partners (like 95% of the time).


  • And finally, those without letters: leaning slightly towards one of the other categories but never fully reaching 100%. This category also includes young characters that could be considered chubby/curvy (take ds3 firekeeper as an example). They may or may not have signs of aging, but these would be very slight or sometimes nonexistent, depending on the character. Their faces can be slightly bimbofied or sometimes not at all, and finally, depending on the body, they may have certain stretch marks or slight cellulite. Their male sexual partners are varied, depending on the situation and the character. If a young female character is included in this category, I will not increase their age, but I will make certain imperfections on their face more noticeable depending on the character.

Well, that's it. I may have forgotten a few details, but I'll remember them when the time comes and I'll let you know. Here's a link to Mega where you can better appreciate these images:

although some are previews that I previously shared in their respective sets:

Remember that just because a character has a letter next to their name doesn't mean they will have exactly the same body; it means that the body I create for them will be more or less similar.


Sloppy Seconds

MM are muscle mommies, looking forwards to more of them!🔥
