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Update (29/08/2023):

Hello everyone, I bring you a small update of the set, to let you know that it may take me a little more time than anticipated.
What could be considered half of the set is already rendered. A total of 58 images, it is natural that it is taking me some time to finish this set since it will be easily more than 100 images, so I still have about... maybe 70 more images to render, plus I still have to add liquids and polish a little detail here and there. Above I added some screenshots to show you that the first part is already 100% completed and also another one where I show the amount of alphas/betas images I have done so far (a total of 131).
That means (and this is a quick and careless calculation) that the final total is probably about 120 images, maybe, or even a few more.

I must say that I thank you all very much for your understanding and patience, in the comments there is nothing but positive reactions, which I appreciate.

I have been working non-stop on this set in the last few days to speed up the time it takes to have it finished, I am sorry if in the end I have not been able to avoid taking longer than expected, I will try to have this set of gigantic proportions finished in the first days of next month, I understand that for many the wait is killing them. I try not to rush things to make it look as good as possible and I think, it will be worth the wait.

Well guys I'll take my leave, I have to keep working on the last poses for the Chun Li set. I remind you that if for some reason you couldn't continue supporting me through patreon during this month, if it wasn't financially possible to you, save the link of the archive, so that once the set is finished, you can see it through mega, because I don't usually update the archive until I finish a certain batch of sets, in fact once I finish this set, about a week later, I will update the archive, so you can keep an eye on it.

Cya everyone, take care and have a nice day/night.


Hello to all my dear patrons, I bring you the latest previews from the Chun Li set.  These will be the final ones I'll be sharing, and I'll share only previews of the second scenario of the set as I had previously shared the first one. Keep in mind that some of these poses still need some small fixes besides liquids obviously, which I prefer to add at the end and that I don't show them using cycles, as I don't want to give you too much spoilers.

You'll be glad to know that this set is nearing its completion; I hope to have it ready within a week, although there's always a possibility that it might take of a slight delay.

The final number of images in this set will range between 95 to 110, divided into 2 different scenarios, with around 50 different poses. This time, I decided to "exploit" each pose a bit more, aiming to extract the most from them by experimenting with angles and variations. That's why the number of images is so different from the number of poses.

Even so it's pretty safe to say that the set is basically another massive one that will be divided in two parts, where I will include the winning fundoshi from the previous poll starting from the second scenario.

The whole first part of the set has the script finished, although I still need to start and finish with the second part, luckily I've found that it hasn't been difficult to formulate the lines for this set so... that's a good thing.

I must confess I got a bit carried away 😅, being Chun Li a character which I like so much (one of my top waifus actually), I couldn't help but make such a huge set for her, also paying attention to the likes chun li's posts received gave me the impression that there were more people than I thought waiting to see her. Ironically at first I was going with the mentality of making it big, but not too big, although as I went through the poses and more ideas came, I couldn't help but make more and more images and experiment with the poses I already had as I was liking it a lot :/.

Alright, I think that covers everything. this post was meant to inform a few updates about the set, give you a little glimpse of the progressing renders and clarify roughly how much longer it will take me to get it ready.


On a different topic, for those who may be interested, the DS version of the previous set is nearly complete. As I mentioned earlier, this one has taken its time due to my concentrated effort on finalizing and rendering the Chun Li set. Btw Chun Li's set will also have a DS version, but as usual, that version will be ready some time after the main set is published.

With that being said, that covers the updates for now. As always, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your continued support. I truly value the time you grant me to polish up and complete these sets and your patience (and hopefully eagerness) as you wait for them. Your constant support and patience, is greatly appreciated. I hope you have a wonderful day/night, take care everyone, cya.




WOW, the wait will definitely be worth it!! Thanks for updating!!


This has the potential to be your best set yet! Can’t wait to see it!


Hey bro, absolutely love your style of thicC, dominant ladies, and all the big asses and feet shots, pretty much perfection, had to pledge! Thanks bro


Dude. This is awesome. The thickness, the asses! You're doing god's work there. Keep it coming.


Sorry I'm a bit late leaving this comment, but this preview looks awesome, man! The poses we've seen so far look great, and I'm excited for the others we haven't seen yet! 😁 Super hyped for this set!


Thanks for your works


😂 don't worry bro, even if it's late I always appreciate the positive comments. And I'm glad I've made you excited with these previews :3, I think everyone will be quite happy with the final result.

Dante Newman

Thank you so much, please take care of yourself & try not burn out.

antonio rich

Greatness is worth waiting for


Thanks for the new update, man. Once again, please take as much time as you need to finish this set and make it as awesome as possible. Yes the anticipation for it is very high, but it’s clear that this set is going to be a very special one and I think everyone understands that it will be worth the wait! No need to rush or burn yourself out. Best of luck as you finish it up!


Ur the goat for this mega-ass-character making!!!