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Greetings! to all my dear patrons. I hope you are having a wonderful night/day. I'm pretty happy because I recently finished the preparations to start with the Chun Li set (#9). For this occasion, I decided to use the SF6 Chun version, marking my first work with this version of the character.

Let me explain the changes I made to the character/model. I'll separate the topics with a line to keep things organized.

I decided to change her face and textures completely, but without moving away from the natural look of the character, I added a couple of details that make Chun look a bit older now, although she is not at all a gilf, I think she would fit perfectly in the Milf category. I tried to make her age a bit more noticeable, but not too much. After I finish this set if you would like to see a more ''gilf'' version of the character, I could make a poll first, but for now this is the approach I wanted to take with the character for this set.

I slightly adjusted her facial bone structure, accentuating her cheekbones and adding volume to her lips. However, I made her mouth just slightly smaller to complement the new style of lips, which I decided not to exaggerate too much as I feel it wouldn't suit Chun Li that much. Again, if you'd like to see a more exaggerated or "bimbo" version, we can consider it through a poll once this set is complete.

Her makeup remains mostly intact, similar to the character's default look, but I made it slightly darker to match Chun's new skin. When changing the textures of the lips, I had to add the lipstick myself, and I believe it turned out quite well. For her eyes, I used a different method with Photoshop to replicate the original textures, and I'm quite satisfied with the result :].

If you're curious, the last image displays the previous version of the model, which is a port directly from XPS made by Keyd10iori and shared on his Patreon. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to share this version, even though it looks completely different. It still uses the same base and rig, so it remains off-limits for sharing :/.

Regarding her body, it was a bit complex as I aimed to make her appear "thicc," yet still muscular and somewhat chubby. Initially, I wanted to strike a balance between those features, but in the end, she might come across more like an ultra-thicc Amazon. Anyways!, I'm pretty happy with the outcome. Her muscles are quite pronounced, as they should be considering it's Chun Li, and her legs are well-toned with a significant volume and most importantly... she's thicc af 😩.

Regarding her feet, being Chun Li, there will be two versions. One where her feet are at rest, soft, smooth, and nearly unmarked, where the wrinkles on her soles will be more visible while bending certain toes or all of them, as shown in some of the images above.


Now, let's move on to her outfits for this set.

The first one is the one you can see in the images above, which I think goes quite well with Chun and gives her a very alluring and sensual appearance. Once the first part of the set is finished, I'll introduce another outfit, which I prefer to keep as a surprise (but here's a little hint, it's also a dress and it's black with gold/yellow details).


Next, let's discuss the story and her young male companion.

The male character is something like a mini Ryu, well... kind of. It's more of a subtle reference, as he is only dressed somewhat like Ryu but with a better-preserved gi. Originally, I had contemplated using an alternate version of Ryu's supposed younger brother from the SF Alpha movie, named Shun, but I eventually decided on this simpler approach. The idea for the character was inspired by an old Chun Li hentai flash game called "Lecherous mommy Chun Li" or something similar. If you search for "Chun Li maman hentai game" on Google, you might find it, but please be aware that it could be sensitive content for some people.

Regarding the story, our young fella here is one of Chun Li's students, deeply in crush with her. In the story, Chun runs a martial arts school where she teaches young people to channel their energy in a constructive manner. He then decides to ''propose'' to her one day after class, once all the other students left, that will warm the heart of Chun Li, and what happens next is that... well, you'll see it on the set (which obviously will contain text).


As for the size of the set, I plan for it to be around 25-30 images long, perhaps slightly fewer. I don't intend to take as long as I did with my previous set, but it still might take me at least 12-14 days to complete it. There are a few things I need to prepare as well, like the shaved version of my previous set, and I also need to clean my PC since it has been performing poorly lately. At this moment, I find it hard to estimate precisely how long it will take, but I would say at least 12 days as a minimum, and it may take longer 😅. But!!, and if by some miracle, it takes less time, or if I realize I overestimated the timeframe, I'll inform you in advance with some previews :].


Remember that after this set will come a set with Lady D (with which I will make a poll for you to decide how long you want that set to be), plus new polls.

Well, I think that's all, as always thank you very much for your support, I really appreciate it, have a good night cya and take care :D!!.




Bigger cock and balls, going in right direction ^^ Can't wait :)


Man....i preferred her thick not fat


I'm glad you like it bro :D, although in fact the genitals are only slightly bigger than the previous male model. What I did change was the nuts, they are now more pendulous which gives the illusion that they are bigger.


I can't wite.

Ivan Tejeda

Can’t wait for this one

Red Seraph

Absolutely goated, can't wait!! And very much in favor for polls for Lady D O_o


Ah! I love your works so damn much Muffin! They're absolutely god-tier! Keep up the amazing work! I can't wait to see this one next!


Wouldn't her ass be the last part that would get fat and bumpy like that? You'd think all that kicking would keep it a nice shape.


Just some initial thoughts about how your Chun-Li is looking: - I think the way you aged her up a little bit looks pretty good, but I don’t think it should go any further. I have zero interest in seeing a gilf version of her. - Likewise, I don’t have any interest in seeing a bimbo version of her either. Like you said, I don’t think it would fit her very well. - I’d still prefer her to be less chubby, but I’m glad that you kept her muscular still. I think maybe her butt could be made to look a bit “tighter”? But I realize that might also change depending on how she’s posed, the camera angle, etc. - I definitely appreciate the detail you’ve given her feet. I hope that means we’ll get to see a lot of them in the upcoming set 👀 - Please don’t feel the need to limit yourself in terms of the size of the set. I know it takes more time, but it would be appreciated if Chun ends up getting a somewhat longer set like other recent ones. If you come up with a lot of good poses and ideas for her, it would be a shame not to see them all


this is gonna be epic.


Hey bro! as always the fedback is much appreciated, thanks :]💙. As for making Chun Li bimbo or gilf, tbh I am somewhat interested in making my own alternate version a bit more gilf and see how it looks, as for the bimbo version that would be something else I would do for the patrons, who might want to see a version like that. Although, that's why I specified that I would most likely do a poll to know the opinion of the majority, if in fact the ''no'' vote wins... I wouldn't do it 😅, as it happened previously with that femboy/bimbo character that I wanted to introduce in the previous set. I understand about your preference for her to be less chubby (and I love all versions of Chun Li), though I feel that her physique now goes more with the style of the characters I've been making recently, and that's more or less what I wanted. Since the previous version paled a bit when I put her in comparison to other characters in terms of her ''thiccnes'' level. I wanted a bigger Chun Li, who could also compete with the other characters but without looking too "soft" as it wouldn't go with the character. That's why I left a high level of musculature, especially in her legs 😩, and didn't add any chubby details in her back or arms. As for her ass... I'm guilty of falling for fat ass supremacy x_x I'm irredeemable... go on without me. Although what you say is also very true, sometimes depending on the angle her ass can look different, tighter, in fact that has happened a lot in my previous sets (thanks for noticing :]💙). Of course there will be many angles of feet :D, the more I get better at making the feet more aesthetic the more I deign to do more poses that include them. So don't worry, there will be PLENTY of angles with Chun Li's perfect feet :3. My friend, you know I'm a big fan of Chun Li, believe me I would like to make a huge set with her, I have the ideas, the problem is that I don't know if I want to take so long to release new content, and I don't know if the people who are supporting me here in patron are ok with that. A good option would be to make a poll asking what they prefer, like what I will do with Lady D... in fact that last thing doesn't sound bad. (Fun fact, originally this set was going to have between 42 to 45 images, and in its more alpha version between 54 to 60 images including a netorare scene with Juri xD)


I really love the ass shape and ass size. it's lit! but I really love the younger face of Chunli


and Can I vote for "Shermie" who is a big-ass KOF character? I want to see her work. appreciate u

Super Seducer

when will the shaved version of the previous set be available


You’re welcome, man. The high level of musculature that you gave Chun-Li is definitely appreciated, and the feet shots certainly will be too.
 However, it seems a bit unfair to make very large sets for several other recent characters but then make Chun-Li’s set significantly smaller, especially now after hearing that there are lots of ideas for her and that her set could be much larger. It would be disappointing for people who voted for Chun-Li and were looking forward to her set the most, especially now knowing that we may miss out on lots more that was planned for her.


Unfortunately Shermie didn't usually get a good amount of votes the times she was in the polls, so I don't know if I'll put her in the next polls :/. Although I have a couple of things in mind for the less popular characters like her.


when can we see the work? I can't wait


I understand bro, but Chun Li's set even though it won't be massive, it will still be quite big (even more than black cat's) and I can't make massive sets with all the characters, especially having in mind that after Chun Li comes Lady D and I see very possible that people will want to see something big with her. There is also the fact that Chun Li is usually in all the polls, besides if in a future let's say... I want to make extra (small) content like sets with short stories of 10 images or pinups, I will probably make them with characters that I like a lot... like Chun Li. In fact I usually have many ideas that in the end I end up rejecting to not make massive sets with all the characters, well... with all the ones I like as much as Chun Li obviously, also when you are a damn coomer (like me) is normal to have many sexual ideas with the characters, the goal is to eliminate the ones that don't go with the character or the ones that are completely ridiculous even for a brazzers porn xD.


I'm working on it bro. 😅 Although in fact in the same post I mentioned that it would take 12 days at least (at least), that is to say that being objective it might take me a week and a half more to have the set ready.


appreciate your hard-working! I never know the sweat and time you put into before reading your comment, don't rush it cause I/we care about the quality more than efficiency and don't want to ruin this great mega-ass series of sifu chunli. and I will just wait patiently. plus, Could I vote for Shermie from KOF ? I want to see more of her mega-ass pic.


My man xD thanks for the kind words. As I mentioned, I'm preparing something for less popular characters, a kind of opportunity for them to appear even in small sets. At the moment, I don't want to spoil too much, but maybe this month you can vote for Shermie. However, she would still need to win for us to do something with her, and since she's not a popular character, there might not be too many images of her. Although, if there are many votes for the character, she could always become popular and consistently appear in the main polls