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Hello! my dear patrons. Before I go to the polls winners I wanted to remind you that I still have a little thing pending with black cat from previous month polls, it hasn't been cancelled but the Sif and Freya set was taking up a lot of my time. It will be a short set, shorter than black widow to put it into perspective, it will have text but no story, the text will be more to spice up the scenes and it will be something more generic.

I'll talk about it in depth later (likely tomorrow), when I have more previews to show, because I haven't finished her body 100% yet, for the moment I've only changed the textures and I'm still shaping the body, but the ''front'' is almost there.

Now to the winners of the polls!:

1st Place: Lady D ( shocking ik) It was brutal, she ended up being the most voted character in all 3 tiers xD I think that shit has never happened before. The mommy queen got 246 points in total, chun li the second place got 161 (just to put it into perspective). I still don't know what I will do with her, probably something reverse netorare with Ethan and Mia. what I can tell you is that she will be the last one to have her set, as it will be the longest.

If I come up with some ideas like: put her with Mother Miranda let's say or Donna Beneviento (or both?! yes both! because we are hungry! D:), I'll first make a poll for you guys to help me decide if that would be the best idea.

2nd Place: Chun Li
I still don't know what I will do with her, but I already have some ''clothes'' that I would like her to wear ;). Although I would like something using the fact that she is a gilf. I don't know maybe use some young fellas... you know what I mean (the young But always adults, of course stud with small comlpexion, big mommy theme gangbang).

Also I'll make a poll for you to decide which version of Chun-Li you want  (whether it's SFV or the new one from 6) like I did with Juri before.

3rd Place: Ada and Jill
For these I do have a couple of things, I was thinking of using a tyrant model and make it a trio. or do something with a ''mind control'' (I put it in quotes because, of course, it won't be mind control. That would be morally incorrect, after all :D.) theme and put Ashley Graham in there (this is what I'd like the most, but I don't know if my pc is capable of having so much stuff on screen).
In case I don't decide for any of the previous ones... maybe do something with Leon (my boy deserves it) and include Claire Redfield (If my pc can handles it), but we'll see.

And...I was thinking about adding text to everything, but not too heavy tho, just a little bit to give the scene a little bit more flavour.

Now... to finish, I have something to communicate.

I'll try to summarize as much as I can.

Sometimes I get the wrong idea of how long a set might take, because of that I end up having too much work to do and polls get delayed and new work gets delayed etc... to avoid this, I've decided that polls will no longer be monthly, instead they will come out once I finish the last one or I'm on the last set of the previous polls.

Let's say the next poll might come until I finish the Chun, Ada and Jill and Black Cat sets, all of them with text actually, but only the 1st Place will have a more detailed text, a story if you want.

But fear not, I often end up taking longer than I should because of my own nature, I make the sets longer than I should and that's why they end up being gigantic and taking me a month to finish, I think it would be fairer to leave the biggest sets to the first place of the polls (in this case Lady D) and the others, do things with text too, just not add story to them so they don't take so much time and also not make them so big that way it will take me less time. 

And then I could do the polls sooner, who knows we could even have two polls in a month if I can make this work.

And there is a reason why I would like to have a little more time to spare, I would like to start adding small animations to my sets, as an extra, I'm not saying it's going to happen already, but I would like maybe this year, or next year at the latest, for this I need time, since I have 0 skills in animations.

And also to not to be constantly pressured to finish the sets before the end of the month, but... to be able to take my time to improve other things.

And lastly, I understand that many will not find this fair. So, if that's your case, you can always save the Archive link to access it another time (without have to paying more than the month you already paid). Keep in mind that the link will be updated every time I create new polls, which I won't do until I finish the previous poll work.

In this way people who support me will able to decide if they want to continue doing it or not and at the same time receive the content they consider fair.

Well, that's all for now, I'll get back to work. When I have more things  to show from the Black Cat set, I'll make a separate post to show more  WIPs. Once I finish that set, I think I'll start with... maybe Chun-Li?. Take care everyone and have a good day :D.




Love what you have on schedule. Can't wait to see the final product!


Sounds good overall, also like the gilf idea for Chun Li. Question about the DoA characters. Personally, I was excited to see DoA characters with your style (mommy bodies), but as you said, if they get too little votes they would be excluded in future. Did that end up happening or we might see them again?


Same question with above, are we going to see some DOA characters and Juri in the future? Since Juri did not have a complete set last time


lol! i forgot about the doa characters. I'll try to answer that question in more detail in the next post I make (possibly the one about the black cat wips, as a bonus). But quick answer: some of them will stop appearing for a few months at least.


Juri?! I doubt she will ever stop appearing, she always gets a good amount of votes, besides she is one of my favourite characters, if she doesn't appear in a complete set she can always appear sharing the screen with Chun Li, I didn't include her this time because I wanted to give space to other characters but she will be in the next polls without a doubt. Doa's characters on the other hand, maybe some of them will stop appearing, at least the ones that almost didn't get votes :/.


May I ask what's that Tsunade art on the right side?