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Hi everyone, I bring a little update of the set, I wanted to mention that sadly it won't be done before the month ends, as you can see I already have about 20 images completely rendered (along with their versions without pubic hair), but due to the time it takes for some images to be 100% finished plus the rendering time (and sometimes I have to re-render because I find little mistakes like the bracelet is going through Freya's wrist or things like that) so the set won't be ready before the end of the month and I'm sorry for that.

I recommend to all of you who were waiting for this set and for some reason will not be able to keep subscribed to this patreon, to save the Archive link and password so you can download it.  Just keep in mind that I will update the archive links around the 10th of April.
Well my dear patrons, that's all, I'll keep on working, remember that next month there will be polls and I'm planning to bring some characters that have been very popular these last 2 months, c ya all take care, and I hope to have this set ready in the next few days, many thanks to all of you.

Hello my dear patrons! It's been a while since my last report, and I apologize for that. as I mentioned before I have a tendency to isolate myself when working on a set, and the more I like it, the more isolated I become. I'm sorry, I'll try to get out of that bad habit 😅.

Now, to the point. I wanted to give you an update on how the set is coming along. I still have to add liquids to most of the poses, but that usually doesn't take me too long. The lighting is pretty much finished in all of them, although I still need to make some minor adjustments in a few.

Originally, I planned on having 15-16 poses in the set due to the extra work involved with having two characters and because I wanted to finish the black cat set before the end of the month. However, after seeing how excited many of you were for this set and because It had a very good reception both on Patreon and in a few WIPs that I ended up posting on Twitter (thanks to a colleague who encouraged me to do so btw), as well as when I was progressing, I realized that I was also liking a lot how the set was turning out, the illumination, the atmosphere, and everything. I was really enjoying working on it, so I took all these factors into account, and I decided to lengthen it. Instead of 15/16, it will end up having around 25 poses (maybe a little more), of which 20 are already finished. It will have a version with and without text.

Taking into account previous comments, there will be a version of the set with and without pubic hair, so you can choose whichever you prefer. The total number of images will be at least 30 and keep in mind that I try not to share too many images so as not to give you too much spoilers.

In my humble opinion, I think it will be worth the wait, but I'll let you judge for yourselves with these previews.

The only thing I still need to work quite a bit on is the script, because while I'm not going to do something that's very lore friendly (i.e. this Atreus is 18 years old) I'd still like to keep it making a bit of sense.
so i was planning on watching several cinematics of gow 2 one more time so i don't screw it up with the dialogue, i want Sif to use expressions that Sif would use and Freya as well.

About if I will share the blend file or the models, I'm afraid I won't be able to share the blend file, because the whole bg is paid, it's not just a few assets, but all the assets I used in this set (including the clothes) are paid, but there will be no problem with the Sif and Freya models since these last two are public.

And well I think that's about it for the set. I think it's pretty obvious but this month ... Well there will be no polls, next month (April) I will definitely bring them back, don't worry.

I would also like to mention something else, I have found it a bit difficult to meet certain quotas on a monthly basis, sometimes the sets end up being more and more time consuming than I had planned.

and  to be honest with you I'm finding it hard to bring in a certain amount of content a month without maybe putting too much pressure on myself. So that's it, next month I will change something about the polls, but I will talk about it at that time, so as to not make this post longer than it already is.

Well I think that's all, sorry for the huge testament but I had several things to communicate to you all 😅, have a nice day everyone and take care of yourselves, I hope to have this ready soon (it will be ready before the end of the month don't worry) cya.




This looks amazing and I am super excited!


He's following in his father's footsteps, press circle BOI!

Ivan Tejeda

Bro this looks so fucking hot, can’t wait to see your completed work


Just something I was wondering. The body models have gotten thicker and thicker. We have had many polls about what characters we would like to see but I wonder, if we could have one for body types as well? Not saying we should go back to completely skinny but perhaps voting between different levels of thick? Otherwise nice work as always :)


Man the extremely tight ''underwear'' just looks too good in these delicious thicc bodies. hope there's a few poses where they're not completely nude


looks great, seems to be following more of the small_dom_big_sub tag ;)


B-but thick is better... No but in fact there are some characters I would like to do that with, like in the past I made a poll about Juri from SF asking what kind of body type they would like with her. So yes I can see myself doing that when I'm undecided and don't have a body type preference with a certain character. But for the most part I already have a certain ''vision'' so to speak about what kind of body type I want them to have (and since I like women with a certain level of thiccnes, making them that way usually encourages my creativity a bit xD).


Damn they look good. Can't wait to read that finished script ❤️


Thanks, that is a very reasonable answer. Makes sense that some characters might be better one or the other way and then it could be voted on. But yes, in general of course do what keeps you motivated, rather than start forcing yourself to make content you don't like.


Wow! I hope theres a footjob scene too! I love how often feet appear on your work!