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Uff!.... this set is going to be big, hello my dear patrons, I bring you a little preview of what's coming with this Harley set, so far it looks pretty good (I'm liking it a lot) and I've already rendered a 1/4 of the set.

In the end I changed the plot a little bit, Harley is an excellent psychiatrist who has treated different lunatics from Arkham Asylum, but now she has decided to start ''counseling'' couples (being this an easier job for her) to be able to relax a little bit and get away from the psychopaths, instead of Harley inventing some reason to kick the girl out and stay alone with her boyfriend, I decided that instead she will hypnotize (and medicate cof cof) the girl to make her fall deeply asleep, meanwhile Harley and the boyfriend will have fun with her in the room while she sleeps.

You'll notice, in some images, Harley's clothes look slightly transparent, I'll explain how that happens in the text version, but to sum it up quickly, we're seeing the male character's point of view (kind of), and the dude is constantly thirsting for Harley and imagining her naked.

I also ended up making the set a bit bigger than I had planned, this is because while making the set I completely fell in love with this version of Harley, and unintentionally (I swear it was unintentionally) started making pose after pose, in the end it will have (I estimate, could be more) about 10-12 more images than the Tifa x Scarlet set I made previously.

Well people, that's all for now, I hope this set will be finished tomorrow or in the worst case the last day of December, or the first day of next month, see you, take care and have a happy new year.

PS (please read): I want to remind you that the images I'm showing you in these previews, may vary from the final version, that's because some of them still need to be fixed in lighting, posing, clipping clothes etc... for example, in these previews Harley doesn't have her glasses on, because normally I have them hidden in the viewport, but in the final version she will have them. I also want to mention that as always I'm not showing you much of the set in these previews(in fact, I'm showing very little of it) and this is because I don't like to give too many spoilers.




Looks great. What an astonishing blonde! For my taste she should keep her garters and stockings on the whole time… 😇


Ah of course she will, my friend of good taste, yes in fact I mentioned it in the post, that the final images are subject to change :3, that's the kind of thing I was referring to. she will have the garter belt and the glasses during the whole set, but I haven't yet .... adjusted? so to say, the garter correctly in all the poses, so in some she has it and in others she doesn't (but in the end she will have the garter belt in all the images).

Gerald E

I do like the more mature, cougar version of the Dr. Quinzel.

Periapsis Studios

I was wondering how you do the "mayonnaise", is a fluid sim, or do you just model it manually?


I guess manually, I use metaballs, when I first learned how to make them I did it thanks to this tutorial: https://twitter.com/Rigid3d/status/1317901218203787267?s=19 I hope it helps.