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Hi everyone, how are you? so I have something I need to communicate you all, and is not something very pleasant πŸ˜…, ok so first of all I ended up underestimating te time the Ada Wong set would take me.

I think that's already kinda obvious because It has been like a week since I started with the set and I still have to finish like the 30% of it (including text), I'm sorry everyone, when I started doing this I didn't expect it to take me this much, I was overconfident and thought: ''I had enough time to finish two sets with text in a week derp'' (I'm a fucking dumbass ._.), and tbh I ended making more poses that the ones I should, I have to admit that I liked the character and I liked how the set was looking so irresponsibly I ended up making longer.

that means that the set I planned for Tifa and Scarlet is gonna have to be delayed until next month, as soon as I finish with the set of Ada I'm going to start doing Scarlet and Tifa set, and is going to be a set, not just some posters, and is also going to include text, although I don't know what to make with those two, I was thinking on doing something with school thematic, being Tifa a slutty schoolgirl and Scarlet the hot teacher, and one lucky bastard is in the middle of both (probably cloud or idk) but I don't want to get ahead of myself (btw, Tifa is not going to be chubby or milfy, only Scarlet, Tifa is going to be thicc... but not chubby .

So that's it guys, I'm deeply sorry for this delay in the content, I will really try not to go beyond the month of October.

As many of you already know, I have had delayed content for several months due to personal problems, but bit by bit I have been catching up, and I plan that this month will be the last one where I have this problem.

That's why I also want to mention that to make sure of this, for this month only, I will reduce the characters with which I will make content in the polls to 3, usually I make content with the 4 winning characters of the polls, but this time it will be only 3, I hope that you can understand it since I also have a delayed Chun Li set that I have not finished yet so I must be cautious.

Well guys that's all, have a good night and again I'm sorry for the inconvenience. 



Take all the time you need you're doing great


No worries dude, that whatever time you need πŸ™ I'll be looking forward to the Chun-Li set no matter when it comes out πŸ˜‰