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Hi everyone how are you, I bring some news (bad and good ones) and some previews of Chun Li's set and Marie Rose pinups.
This time, to make navigating through my huge walls of text a bit easier, I have highlighted in bold the topic that is discussed in each section.
On this section you will find everything related to the above previews :D.

I already have on mind what I want to make with these two ladies, as well as I already finished the first image of each set/pinup collection, I'm planning to add some details on the feet using multires to both projects, as you can see on the Marie Rose feet, and also from now on I'll add this kind of details to the feet on all of my next projects.

Both of this projects are going to be 1on1 which means: 1 girl- 1 dude, probably will do some threesome scenes with Chun (using 2 guys... or 2 girls and one dude) but I havent decided about that yet. Marie Rose is going to have 3 different poses, the posters will have different angles and a black/white dudes version, Chun Li on the other side is only going to have white dudes version, this is because being an imageset is going to have a lot of images, and I don't have that time to spare, I'm sorry, but if I can find the time I'll do a black dudes version as well I promise.

everything related to the previews ends here, everything you find below will be announcements and a public apology 😅.

Here starts my public apology 😞

Ok everyone, is time to make some announcements, But before I start I would like to apologize to all those who have written me a message or comment and I have not responded in time or as I should have.

I'm saying this because recently there was a patreon who deleted his comment from Pharah's post, I imagine he did it because I had not responded to his message or gave it a like, this was so because he actually extended his opinion in a really good way and I wanted to take my time to answer him, in my stupidity I considered it rude to give him a like without responding to his well structured criticism, and I ended up liking the other comments that I wasn't going to respond to, I guess that maybe that gave him the wrong idea, I just want to say that on this patreon's page, the constructive criticism will always be welcome, and I'm sorry If I really offended someone with a late response.

when I have a lot to do during a month sometimes I go into, let's say ''work mode'' and I can spend the whole day focused on blender and I think: I'll answer that message later, but then I end up letting a lot of time go by and yeah I'm really sorry, I know is not an excuse but still I'm deeply sorry.


Here I begin to talk about the possibility of commissioning new models to ... ''make our family bigger''

I recently commissioned the port of a model to another content creator who specializes in porting xps/daz models, the model I asked for was Setsuka from SC4, he is the same guy who ported the Athena Asamiya and Anna Williams models, his nick is Keyd10iori, in case you want to look it up, he has different models available on his patreon.

Well, I was having a chat with him and apparently he agreed to port some models that I have had in mind for a long time, from different video games.

So, starting in the next few months, I will be adding new characters to the polls, from the following video game sagas:
- Soul Calibur
- Tekken
- kof (King of fighters)
- A few from DOA and Injustice (MIYAKO... and Zatanna
and finally the soulsborne games.

I still can't say that this is 100% safe, because unforeseen events can always happen, but unless something goes really wrong, this should be happening.

Please also keep something in mind, each port costs money from my pocket, so probably the integration of many of these characters to the polls will take time, during the next month (August) I will only be able to commission two models I had thought about (Rennalla and maybe Gwynevere or Miyako from doa) because I plan to use this month's money to buy new ram, which brings me to the next topic.


Here I talk about the possibility of buying new ram so I can work faster.

I will buy new ram in August, many don't know this because I don't usually say it lol, but lately the blend files are turning out to be a bit big for my pc,
specially if I want to try something with several characters in a single scene, this leads to my PC suffering from crashes, screen freezes and it slows down my productivity a lot.

So this month I will be buying new ram, I know that there are other methods to solve this, like render in isolation or reduce the dimensions of the textures, but sometimes to be able to fulfill my goals for each month I need to have two blend files open at the same time, along with other things that also consume ram and even with the downgrade textures I can't avoid crashes, so I think the quickest and best solution for me in the long run would be to buy more ram.


Here start the bad news (⇀‸↼‶)

I did what I could, and the month is not over yet I will post more things before the month is over, but it is impossible for me to finish all the work that I have pending, even reducing much of my content this month to pinups, it is for me impossible to finish everything, I'm sure I'll be able to finish something with Cammy White and Marie Rose before the month ends, but the content I planned to do with Bayonetta and Lulu will have to be moved to next month specially since I'm planning to do something big with Lulu and with a bayoneta I wanted to do at least 5 poses. Chun Li set is going to be probably finished on the first days of August.

And well, I'm really sorry guys, this month I've been working a lot on blender, I made it my priority but it hasn't been enough, despite the fact that lately I feel like I've improved on some things, I can't catch up with the work that I have to do per month, the only thing I can tell you is that I am going to keep trying, and that this month I am really going to try to make it the last month that this happens.

In case someone is interested, I will leave the Archive without updating the password, that way if you are a user who is unsatisfied, you can not only ask for a refund but you can also save the link of the Archive and get the content that I didn't finish giving you at this month for no extra cost.

The fairest thing in this situation would be to give everyone the month for free, but it's something that I can't afford at the moment, I need the money I can get this month on patreon, not only for the plans that I mentioned earlier in this post and improve on my job if not to survive as well, anything I can get from this patreon will help me with the bills at the end of the month.

Again I apologize, and I say goodbye, see you guys, take care and have a good night / day, bye.





Dont beat yourself up. The Scarlet set is great and worth the wait. Your workload is wild so it's understandable if you need to pair it down. I appreciate your efforts (cant wait to see you get a Soulsborne girl)


Your doing a great job don't be so hard on yourself 💜


Is Chun-Li still going to have two sets/double content coming up? Pretty sure I remember that being the plan from a couple months ago


No need to be so harsh on yourself my man! Your work always makes mine (and others) days much better! Thanks for what you do.