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Hello everyone, I am very sorry for my absence these last few weeks, I would like to explain what has been happening with me, and some plans I have for the next month.

So... first of all I'll try to quickly summarize the reason for why I have been so abscent so as to not overwhelm anyone,  I haven't been feeling like being on any social network these last few days because I've been feeling really overloaded, you see, social media is not my thing, before posting as MuffinMajima I didn't use twitter, or anything, not because I was antisocial (which I am) but because I simply don't like to pretend to get approval.

And I guess due to my lack of experience in this kind of thing sometimes I can end up obsessing about getting more likes, or more views or having quick new content to post, and if my posts or tweets (whatever) don't get the attention that I expected, I end up overthinking about why that happens and it bothers me that I don't have any kind of control over it, I end up overloading myself with negative thoughts and emotions (paranoia, anxiety and shit) until I just walk away from it all, take a break from social media (while continuing to work on blender obviously) and come back better than before.  

And well that's what happened, as I said I don't want to keep it too long, so I'll just leave it like this: I overloaded myself, I needed a break, I came back and now I feel better.


Now, moving on to talk about the work that I still have pending and other plans:  Scarlet's set is in its final images and I hope to finish it soon, preferably before the end of this month, I have also prepared some pinups of The Handler, Athena (kof) and I would like to finish some with bayonetta or sophitia before the end of the month but that's not sure yet.

Chun Li will have double the content next month and will still be in the polls, I think it's the least I can do for Chun Li fans because the set I still have pending with the character will be delayed until July.


Now, moving on to another slightly longer topic:

The polls will change as off next month, the votes will change in relation to the tier you have, that is to say that you will get points equivalent to what you are donating to my patreon, something like this:

Ass Enthusiast = 1 Point (It means your vote counts as one)
Ass Addict = 3 Points
Lord of the Asses = 5 Points
AssLover = 8 Points

I will also make the polls to have more characters as voting options, this is because from now on I will only make 1 or 2 sets per month, and the rest of the winning characters will get a few pinups (at least 2), with this I will be able to bring you guys more variety and more characters to choose from.

I also decided to change the polls because tbh, being limited to making 4 sets or collections of posters per month, with only 4 characters, is quite tedious for me, so instead of this being something enjoyable for me, it ends up being rather tortuous, and in the end I can't try new things because I'm too busy finishing a set of up to 14 images that ends up boring me, so the final quality ends up not being the best I could have offered.  

So from now on I would like the polls to have 9 characters per option, or at least I would like that, this month will be a test month, I will only put 6 characters per option because first I want to see how I feel with this new format, if everything goes well, next month there will be more characters.


Well, that's all, I would like to say that lately I feel very motivated to try new things, get out of my comfort zone a bit and try new programs, as well as new models, poses or thematics.

I'm sorry if this has not been noticed a lot, because of my extreme slowness when finishing these last sets, it's just that as I mentioned before, they end up being something tedious and annoying to do.

For example the Harley set, my pc had been overheating these last weeks (something that I already fixed a couple of days ago)I couldn't enjoy the process of finishing the set as I normally would, it became something that I ended up hating, in the end I'm happy that the set didn't come out with a bad quality, but it could have come out much better.

These are the things that I want to avoid, I want to be able to use more models per month and I have tried different things, and who knows?, if this format works I could start to encourage myself a little more to start practice animation, do not take this as a fact, first I want to see how I I feel this test month, hopefully everything goes well.   

Well that's all, also I have to say that I thank all of you as you have no idea, the level of patience you have with me, I feared that when I saw my patreon again after almost 3 weeks without content and without posting anything on any social network It would already be empty xD, but I'm surprised to see people still here, I really thank you as you have no idea, thank you from the bottom of my heart, I hope you have a good day and see you later ❤️.


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