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  • Images also available in the archive.
  • I added some photoshop variants to some of the images, I really hope you like them, if you think they are better or worse than the original versions I will really appreciate you let me know.

below I explain why it takes so long to finish this set, if you are not interested in the reason then you do not have to read it.


Hey everyone, first of all I'm deeply sorry 😭!, I know I was supposed going to post this set days ago I'm sorry.

I have to be honest here with you all, I was having some kind of creative block and I spend days just changing the lights or using different poses until I could achieve something I like, and at the end I didn't even like the set that much ... and I could be able to change that, but at that point I was already 2 days behind from the day I said I was going to post this so ... I didn't have the time to change all the things that I would have like to.

But not everything is bad, during the proces of finishing this set and thanks to the fact that I was really out of my comfort zone to achieve something that I like, in my frustration I learned new things to achieve the result I wanted (altough it was already too late to apply them xD), I learned some useful sculpture things, which you will be able to see in the Mercy set (which is the next one).

But still, I made you wait too long for this set and again i'm really sorry for that I hope you can forgive this humble nsfw content creator 🥺.



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