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Hey everyone!

With the announcement of Jason Aaron taking over Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles when it relaunches after issue #150, I spent some time getting the TMNT Reading Order up to date.

I will admit, I haven't read the main series since around issue #50 or so, but the ordering is based on the mapping of issues in the IDW Collection hardcovers which go through issue 124 (so far). Everything after that should still be fairly accurate, since the Armageddon Game event runs from issue 133-139, and there are only a few other story arcs, mini-series, and one-shots, which I've ordered by release date.

Based on what I did read, I definitely recommend checking out the current series before Jason Aaron takes over. His run will be a continuation, not a reboot, so it's likely worth getting caught up before the new #1.

Have a great week!



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