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It's finally here! The DC Infinite Frontier Reading Order has been created and uploaded to the DC folder.

Since DC is trying something different with thicker issues and back-up stories, I decided to try something new and split up the backup from the main stories. With this in mind, I also listed series like Batman: Urban Legends by part (ex. Red Hood, Outsiders, etc.) instead of by full issue. I'm not sure how connected the backup stories will be to the main stories, so this may be unnecessary (or a mistake) but I'll tweak it as needed after a few months of releases.

I am currently behind on my DC reading and haven't reached the Future State books yet but, from what I understand, they are all fairly self-contained. Once I read them, I'll try to put them in a better order, but for now I placed them in release order by complete mini-series. I'll also probably be removing this from the DC Rebirth Reading Order in the near future, since it's essentially the beginning of Infinite Frontier, not the end of Rebirth.

As always, if you have any recommendations or questions about the reading order, or if you're a Reader or Binger Tier Patron and would like a column, please leave a comment or message me.




Hello, First, thanks for all the time you spend for us ! really. Can you explain the Full / main / back up / part logic, because i'm completely lost. Thanks again

Comic Orderly

Sure! This is totally new for the Infinite Frontier order and may or may not last depending on how connected the back-up stories are to the main story. If you look at a series like Batman or Superman (and a handful of others), DC has included a back-up story focused on a different character at the back of each issue. Those stories can last a different number of issues than the main story in the book, so I've seperated them out to be read as they're completed. If there are more than two stories in an issue (ex. Batman Urban Legends) those get listed by character or part. If the comic only has one story and no back-up or additional parts, it will say Full. Hopefully this helps.

John Paul Murphy

I'm new here and slightly confused. I used to use your Rebirth reading order and it contained only the main DC timeline. This new one seems to contain almost everything, including things that fall completely outside of the current DC timeline (example: Superman: Red and Blue). I do understand that DC has a new, less rigid storytelling strategy, but the whole point of a reading order is to follow things in a continual order. Anything outside of that main continuity is it's own unconnected thing. I understand the back-up story thing, just not how to filter out non-canon titles. Thanks for any assistance.

Comic Orderly

Continuity always seems to be a little bit of a mess at DC. Batman: Urban Legends is in continuity but mini-series like Superman: Red and Blue or Batman: Black and White are always difficult to classify since they're really just short stories that can take place in current continuity or the multiverse, it can be hard to tell. With Infinite Frontier I've been leaving anything that seems to be in continuity in the main reading order and only leaving out obvious things like Black Label mini-series and the vertigo-esque series being released. I'm also always at least 3 months ahead of my actual reading, since solicitations come out that early, but I do make updates as need when I read.