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The old wharf stood as a weathered testament to the maritime history etched into its timeworn planks. As the sea breeze whispered tales of a bygone era, the bustling activity on the docks told a story of its own. A massive whale, majestic in death, lay on the wooden planks, its belly being carefully gutted by weathered hands that knew the rhythm of the sea. 

The pungent scent of brine and the earthy aroma of freshly caught fish mingled in the air, creating a sensory symphony that enveloped the wharf. Towering buildings lined the waterfront, casting shadows that danced upon the cobbled streets. Amidst the organized chaos, a fish market buzzed with life, its vendors hawking the day's catch to eager patrons. The old wharf bore witness to the ebb and flow of life, a timeless tableau where the sea and its creatures met the hustle of humanity.



Derek Burge

I can actually smell that map. Delightful.

Alex Smith

Is there a VTT sized version of this, or the missing two segments available seperately?