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An asset extravaganza! I put together this pack of stone structure ruins after seeing Jon on the discord resorting to using some stonewall assets to create a ruined building in one of his maps, so I thought I could make a proper set of old ruins pieces. These were put to good use in the Ruined Residence map, and demonstrate the sort of thing you could whip up.

In addition, I've done some other updates/tinkering with other assets that aren't a part of this pack properly, since I released them before, but that I thought you might find useful. The first is a selection of prefab tables, piles of cargo, and some Witcher-style butchering tables that might be more convenient for your map-building purposes than assembling them piece by piece yourselves.

The second is a set of broken tables and overturned chairs and benches, that I released awhile back, given a little update and brush up to fit my current style, which pair well with ruins and debris.

Much love to all of you, and I'll see you next month!



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