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The road ahead is bound by snow, a winter flurry that has left it all but impassable. The inn bustles with merchants and travelers forced to take a well-deserved break from the elements, and weather the storm indoors, yet while the time is lost, much more is gained in camaraderie, drink, food, and gifts that have mysteriously appeared beneath the non-denominational Candlenights tree at the center of the inn. Gifts for worshippers of all faiths, and those with no faith at all, regulars, and some still awaiting lodgers that have not yet arrived. Such is the serendipitous nature of the holiday, celebrated at different times by different people in different ways. Is it a jovial ruse by a crafty Innkeep, or are they indeed given by the names on the tags? The Star King, and Terry the Non-Denominational Gift Delivery Dragon.

None can be certain, but each recipient always finds a fitting gift awaits, just what they needed, whether they realized it or not.

Hey guys, I decided to create an interior for the Roadside Rest Inn from earlier this month, inspired by the holiday season. In my game, we celebrate Candlenights of My Brother My Brother and Me and The Adventure Zone fame, and I wanted to create a place for our DnD characters to celebrate the holiday spirit in a map that could be slipped into any game for a welcome change of pace. After all, adventurers rarely get a decent break, so why not have one forced upon them by  fate.

I hope you all enjoy. Happy Holidays,




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