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A couple months back, I released a poll asking for patrons to suggest ideas for a 2-part map that I wanted to make as a thank you for reaching a nebulously chosen goal of $666 per map. It was a thin pretext to be able to engage with you all and create a map of your choosing. The entry that received the most votes was a large sewer map with a corresponding city above it, and I tried to strike a balance here with scale and detail that I hope will leave you all satisfied and bring some enjoyment to your tabletops. I'm personally delighted with the results, and look forward to marching my players down into the watery depths beneath this city square, and I hope you do too.





Eric Scheid

Is that outflow exit on the west edge meant to line up with the sewer outlet on the city map river?

Dungeon Mapster

Hi Eric, they are more or less. I made the surface map at a slightly larger view to show where the outflow goes and where the buildings over those basements present in the sewer map are located. The idea is that one could go through a basement or that sewer outlet and use it to enter the basements of the houses themselves

Eric Scheid

OK, now I'm confused by the scale of the grid map .. if I shrink the sewer map I can get the river-outflow to line up at the same time as the north-east Nissan-hut-like building, as well as positioning the big grates directly over the two big sewer pools, and the two basements line up sensibly too. Except, now it looks like if the street squares are 10′ (say), then the sewer squares would be about 7.5′ (i.e. you've used 29 squares to cover a distance represented by 22 squares above ground).

Dungeon Mapster

Hi Eric, honestly, I don't obsess too much on grid sizes. I pretty much use one that feels like it will be easy to play with rather than one that might be exactly to scale corresponding to another map. That's just a decision that I make when doing layout to make a map more visually interesting or to add context. So, probably I should've shrank the grid on the City Street map a little bit to line up, but it didn't occur to me.