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What should eclair give Al as a gift? =O Next page should be the transition from the dojo to the next part with the fels, that should look like a boat wreckage :O




I'd like if the ship was more colorful (a crashed trading ship with tons of fancy cargo?). All the brown of the dojo is getting tedious :P Aside from that, maybe some secret sex technique or something? I don't know.


I like the pressure point technique idea that Matthew mentioned on the last page, that would make Al more flexible (chakra alignment?).

Mr Ru

Spoiler: It's a UFO wreckage. The story was sci-fi this entire time!


I was thinking like an old victorian ship with lots of details in gold and red :D Next arc i would like it to have red-pink hues.


pressure point technique (as stated) or something to do with the G spot.


We need crabs performing Morse Code proclaiming his victory over the Third Priestess!

Mr Ru

I think the pressure point thing works best with the transition. eclair and Al could make vague mentions about her gift helping Al as they leave the dojo, than make a callback to it on the page he uses it.