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The batch of Q and As that were gonna be done next month. (go to the art folder, starts at 704) 10 new answers, now with 🎅 cheerful 🎅vibes. Did these now cuz we're selecting the next after-hours comic this week and I can't work without a patron-voted idea. This should clear the schedule for all december to be all-after-hours-updates.

Available now at the dropbox folder. Enjoy!




So, ummm... this happened: "<b>Self-proclaimed 'gay furry hackers' breach nuclear lab</b> They demanded research into creating IRL catgirls." https://www.engadget.com/self-proclaimed-gay-furry-hackers-breach-nuclear-lab-152034192.html

Will Feral

Fel must have gone on missions where she couldn't "leave a trace", what'd she do then? Unless she used her celibacy to enter a berzerker mode.