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dun dun dun, cue birds and bees and stork conversation


oh my gosh, i LOVE the happy to "serious" al XD


Honestly, I thought Al was gonna stiffen up - in the panicky kind of way (ya pervs! J.K.) So far, he's taking the Big Question well.


by the way guys, you missed the stream! It was the first private stream i made :( At least 2 new peeps popped in... i guess that's some progress? D:

Mr Ru

I love how Pawsy has so much fluff, she can store letters and such in it.


really curious to see how this conversations goes, will be great for character development. :O also yes, pawsy and her fur are great. it's like putting your phone between your boobs, given you have a good amount of boob. i'm glad this is a thing haha.


So awesome! How much it takes you to finish a comic page? 'cause i draw comics and stuff like this and it would takes eons to add so many details and color @_@


Me toma un dia :o de mañana a noche, desde escribir el guión, el boceto, pintar, el lettering y editarlo :D