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Bazinga, It's that time again!

From now until Friday, November 24th, we'll drop ideas for the next comic here, and we'll give likes to those ideas we're ok with. By all means, give likes to several ideas, not just one. Here is why.

Once Friday comes around, i'll pick the three most liked ideas and put them on a FINAL poll, that will decide the winner, by Sunday November 26th, 7pm Mexico city time/CST.

Now, onto the ideas, the usual pointers:

  • Think of a story's beginning and ending, that's usually the best way to figure out where to go. we can work the middle as we go. More complex, cohesive ideas usually get voted up.
  • Good stories usually involve characters going through a change, or explore interesting scenarios.
For example:
A) Bonnie has never had sex with a guy➡️Bonnie bones Aldo and is no longer men-virgin.
B) What if hybrids, instead of soldiers, were exotic dancers?
C) What if a human was accidentally confused for a hybrid?
  • Make sure to suggest which characters (and versions, futa/standard/genderbend etc) would be involved. Just saying "Butts everywhere" sounds alright but it could mean different things with different characters to different people.
  • If possible, suggest how the first one or two pages would look like, that gives me a reference to start the comic with. These pages usually introduce the characters, the setting, and the tone of the story.
  • Length can vary, but 10-12 page-long stories are best.  That's roughly 4 to 5 months of work.
  • Pls don't let the thought of "oh nobody is gonna vote for this" to stop you. I rather have some ideas than none.
  • Shorter stories are welcome too! 1-3 pages are totally doable. We just need a solid story or motif to have the toons do some lewds, as usual.

here are previous posts if you wanna bring back an old pitch which is totally doable


happy thinking!




Imma copypaste an idea I had last time: "I got an idea. it's an after-hours version of "The tortoise and the hare". The story takes place in the futaverse. Fel took her hubby, mugger and deniz, bravo and mary, and bonnie and monica to her beach house for a weekend of debauchery. The same beach house from "My life with (futa)fel" and "summerscales 2". The thing with beach houses is, you have to clean them when you arrive, and before you leave. otherwise they'd be dusty messes, and no one wants to bang on dusty ass furniture. They leave the next morning. The only people who haven't been in cleaning duty lately are Monica, Bonnie and Mary though. Naturally, none of them want to do it. Monica proposes a little competition. A bike race on the road around the hill where the beach house is located. Fel's got a few bikes lying around. The losers get to clean the next morning. the winrar gets to spend the night with Mugger, all for herself. Muggs sees no downsides for her so she agrees. Bonnie and Mary burst in laughter. They know they'll wipe the floor with her, but Monica insists. The race takes place at sunset (gives me an excuse to draw pretty shrimp colors on everything), everyone wearing mostly swimwear (maybe shorts too?). As the fable goes, Mary and Bonnie immediately take the lead, wondering what was going through Monica's mind when she suggested this. Bonnie being bunny-brained, and having stared at Mary's ass all the way uphill suggests doing freaky public sex things with Mary. Mary has bnuy syndrome, so of course, she agrees. Bonnie would've brought a bunch of toys on the bike's bags "just in case". I was thinking we could hint at previous public sex shenanigans when Mary asks "why did you bring silicone toys and lube into a race?!" and Bonnie would be like "uh... this isn't my first "ride" around the hill... you never know!" With a quick flashback to Fel and Bonnie banging on the side of the road. I'm thinking these two could do some dildo-strapped-to-the-bikeseat riding. eating each other out by a bench on a vantage point. strap-on fucking behind a billboard. there are lots of things they could do. Monica knew everyone is horny as fuck after a weekend of sex. She knew mary and bonnie wouldn't be able to get their hands off each other (something she's mostly protected against thanks to her heterosexuality (gasp)), which would give her the upper hand. Just to keep the pace of the comic, instead of drawing sex scenes with her -at the end of the comic- when she wins, she'd instead imagine them on her way uphill. Lots of DP with Deniz and Muggs. Sure enough, eventually Monica passes them, who don't even notice her. By the time they look down the road wondering where monica is, she's about to reach the finish line. They zoom downhill, but it's too late. Monica wins! And says goodbye as she slips into the shower with muggs and deniz. The comic would end with Mary and Bonnie scrubbing jizz off the ceiling, grunting and sighing, as Monica rides some sweet horsedick in the bg the next morning before leaving."


An idea from one of your previous comics involving maybe Bonnie and some of the less shown characters like Sharon and ....the goat? (sorry couldn't remember!!). Based on one of you sketch comics Mod shop. Could have her convincing the less prominent in the light girls to try the mod shop and sneak her in. Like sneaking into a club underage, American age style of legal at 18 everywhere else international but 21 in America for some reason. Can be her hounding them to come out and try as she is stuck in the den for a week with them "babysitting" her. Would have them going through and short testing some things they are jealous on the other girls/guys assets. Could be Bonnie and her curves, Sharon trying to have the same bulk as Mike, etc. Can lead to tame testing but she tries to hack the system to squeeze more with what little cash they have with weird combo's and side effects. Maybe them trying to sneak back and keep it secret in the Den and instead werewolfing out or being jumped by the rest of the dens residents throughout the week. And maybe worrying if its permanent trying to explain to Fel. Just a rough script.


Working Title: The Ultimate Fel Starring: Fel, Fel, Alex, Fel, Fel, and Aldo's! Premise: I seek to answer the biggest question our generation has; how the heck did AU CON even get started in the first place. After Alex finishes her new multiverse portal invention, curious Fel decides to poke just her head in to take a tiny peak. Getting sucked in Fel goes on a journey meeting all sorts of different hers dragging them on the adventure too! It's all sex and escapades until she runs into Mad Scientist Fel who has just finished her life's work: PERFECT FEL. The Fels must try to bet (tire out) Perfect Fel or watch as their worlds are taken over but this evil goddess sex machine. After some failure, Kirbo Fel knows the purfect solution, what does every Fel need? Why an Aldo of course! Opening the portal, Aldo's from all over start pouring in (it's raining men!) starting the universal orgy. After the fun is over, Perfect Fel finds an evil Aldo and leaves with him promising to not harm the other worlds. From the fallout, all the rest of the Fel's and Al's agree to meet each year and celebrate their victory and swap stories and share love with each other.