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It's Argen and I's anniversary next week (6 years married already!!) . We'll be gone on a beach trip from the 9th to the 13th.

My plan for the next after-hours update is to do one page fusing together the time i'll have available on the next two weeks: the little chunk of week i'll have next week (monday thru wednesday), and the rest of the week I'll have left when I come back (tuesday thru friday).

In other words, I'll be sending your rewards link tomorrow for this week's Q and A, with an expiration of two weeks, and the next after-hours update should come in two weeks after that, if everything goes according to plan.

That's about it! have a great month of november (and thanksgiving for our american friendos!)

EDIT 11/6/23:
Welp i finished the page a lot quicker lmao. I guess this week's after-hours page is acounted for. The cover shall be next week's update. I'll leave the reward link as is since i wont be able to send a new one on friday, this one will be good for two (2) weeks.




https://youtu.be/R8vpQdZErbw?si=cHehIxHb2Ob2gYMD Congrats on 6 years of marriage


happy anniversary!! have fun