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has anybody been charged ? This is weird, it appears as if patreon hasn't charged anyone D: and its scaring the shit out of me



I have not yet been charged. And it is indeed strange. I'm paying through paypal btw in case that matters for this problem.


I don't seem to have been charged for patreon yet, I imagine it'll happen ~8 am PST, since all the cool internet companies are on the west coast. Yesterday was a holiday in the US - labor day.

Paul Gabbard

It was Labor Day here in the U.S. yesterday. Big national holiday, perhaps it he just a bit behind because of it.


Haven't been charged. We should get charged tonight because Labor day.

Red Silver

Hasn't been charged from me either


No charge here, but like Paul said, Labor day in the US(aka government holiday) so most services are a day behind. It should clear by tomorrow I think.


The only thing I can think of is labor day, like everyone else. There's no reason on my end the charge shouldn't go through, though.


honestly I still find it strange that in this day and age..in the age of instant internet..stuff like banks go still by something like workdays and weekend and red days. anything thats automated should happen regardless of day of the week. its just a damn number on a pc.


Patreon has yet to send me a billing statement... for ANY of them. I think the Holiday on Monday threw things off.


International workers day as its known elsewhere or in mexico Dia del trabajo. But in america its september 1st and not may 1st


Basically it's the Unions and the Feds legally declaring they get a paid holiday. End of story.