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Alright people, it's that time again. It's been a year and some change so let's go over how this works:

from now until Friday, March 30th, we'll drop ideas for the next comic here, and we'll give likes to those ideas we're ok with. By all means, give likes to several ideas, not just one.

Once Friday comes around, i'll pick the three most liked and put them on a FINAL poll, that will decide the winner, by Tuesday July 4th, 7pm Mexico city time/CST.

(i'm picking tuesday cuz that weekend i'll be away on a weekend trip, and i should be back home by then)

Now, onto the ideas, the usual pointers:

  • Think of a story's beginning and ending, that's usually the best way to figure out where to go. we can work the middle as we go. More complex, cohesive ideas usually get voted up.
  • Good stories usually involve characters going through a change, or explore interesting scenarios.
For example:
A) Bonnie has never had sex with a guy➡️Bonnie bones Aldo and is no longer men-virgin.
B) What if hybrids, instead of soldiers, were exotic dancers?
C) What if a human was accidentally confused for a hybrid?
  • Make sure to suggest which characters (and versions, futa/standard/genderbend etc) would be involved. Just saying "Butts everywhere" sounds alright but it could mean different things with different characters to different people.
  • If possible, suggest how the first one or two pages would look like, that gives me a reference to start the comic with. These pages usually introduce the characters, the setting, and the tone of the story.
  • Length can vary, but 10-12 page-long stories are best (PLEASE, LAST ONE WAS 57 PAGES LONG) That's roughly 2 to 3 months of work.
  • Pls don't let the thought of "oh nobody is gonna vote for this" to stop you. I rather have some ideas than none.
  • Shorter stories are welcome too! 1-3 pages are totally doable. We just need a solid story or motif to have the toons do some lewds, as usual.

here are previous posts if you wanna bring back an old pitch which is totally doable


happy thinking!




I got an idea. it's an after-hours version of "The tortoise and the hare". The story takes place in the futaverse. Fel took her hubby, mugger and deniz, bravo and mary, bonnie and monica to her beach house for a weekend of debauchery. The same beach house from "My life with (futa)fel" and "summerscales 2". The thing with beach houses is, you have to clean them when you arrive, and before you leave. otherwise they'd be dusty messes, and no one wants to bang on dusty ass furniture. They leave the next morning. The only people who haven't been in cleaning duty lately are Monica, Bonnie and Mary though. Naturally, none of them want to do it. Monica proposes a little competition. A bike race on the road around the hill where the beach house is located. Fel's got a few bikes lying around. The losers get to clean the next morning. the winrar gets to spend the night with Mugger, all for herself. Muggs sees no downsides for her so she agrees. Bonnie and Mary burst in laughter. They know they'll wipe the floor with her, but Monica insists. The race takes place at sunset (gives me an excuse to draw pretty shrimp colors on everything), everyone wearing mostly swimwear (maybe shorts too?). As the fable goes, Mary and Bonnie immediately take the lead, wondering what was going through Monica's mind when she suggested this. Bonnie being bunny-brained, and having stared at Mary's ass all the way uphill suggests doing freaky public sex things with Mary. Mary has bnuy syndrome, so of course, she agrees. Bonnie would've brought a bunch of toys on the bike's bags "just in case". I was thinking we could hint at previous public sex shenanigans when Mary asks "why did you bring silicone toys and lube into a race?!" and Bonnie would be like "uh... this isn't my first "ride" around the hill... you never know!" With a quick flashback to Fel and Bonnie banging on the side of the road. I'm thinking these two could do some dildo-strapped-to-the-bikeseat riding. eating each other out by a bench on a vantage point. strap-on fucking behind a billboard. there are lots of things they could do. Monica knew everyone is horny as fuck after a weekend of sex. She knew mary and bonnie wouldn't be able to get their hands off each other (something she's mostly protected against thanks to her heterosexuality (gasp)), which would give her the upper hand. Just to keep the pace of the comic, instead of drawing sex scenes with her -at the end of the comic- when she wins, she'd instead imagine them on her way uphill. Lots of DP with Deniz and Muggs. Sure enough, eventually Monica passes them, who don't even notice her. By the time they look down the road wondering where monica is, she's about to reach the finish line. They zoom downhill, but it's too late. Monica wins! And says goodbye as she slips into the shower with muggs and deniz. The comic would end with Mary and Bonnie scrubbing the bathroom, grunting and sighing, as Monica rides some sweet horsedick in the bg the next morning before leaving.

Mr Ru

Kinda stacking on the Bonnie, but I had this idea that combines the VR, Chaturbate and fucking machine AHs in a big sequel. Bonnie is a 'lewdtuber' in the same sense as vtubers like ProjectMelody. Wearing motion capture gear and streaming as a character in a virtual environment. (But also having a lot of sex toys mounted to robot arms and the like.) Fans could think the hare girl is her OC? There's also the prospect of her meeting up with fans in a vrchat parody, so she could be having guests in her environment or going out into other worlds to fuck around.

Mr Ru

I was thinking she'd legit be in VR and using an avatar, but her faking does sound fun. The viewers would assume all her tech are just sci-fi game models and some nerds remarking at how well the tracking and physics work.

Jack of Hearts

So I don't know how to locate the page anymore, but it is a scene from the canon comic where Fel and Al have fought and gotten back together iirc. Pawsy and Green have Fel and Al by a fire on the beach and make a suggestion we don't get to see. It could be a short romp of action with very little story needed.


I've been sitting on this idea for a while but here goes: Raccoon Island (legally distinct from foxgirl island I swear) A shorter comic focused more on pinups than a full narrative. The premise is an island resort run entirely by futa Muggers (or a mix of raccoon girls, I'm not picky). The comic would feature narration text boxes illustrating the resort and its amenities while things are getting lewd in the background. Showing scenes such as the resort's restaurant, beachside bar, luxury suites and so forth. This is a minor thing but I think, for the bit at least, it would be good if the narration was played straight and never spoke about the lewd goings-on. All this culminates in the reveal of it being a mock-up video ad Alex made in an effort to capitalize on Mugger's raw sex appeal.


bringing back an old idea~ placeholder title: Hookup Hooter starring: Ollie, Alex, Soph (standard non-futa versions) Premise: Ollie is moping around the den, being depressed and lonely since there are no men there. Alex becomes annoyed with Ollie's depressing attitude bringing the mood down of the entire den, so she makes Ollie an offer: there happens to be a body-painting convention in the city, one where hybrids could walk around and socialize with humans without being out of place. In fact, Alex is regular attendee who is famous there for her 'amazingly realistic' body-paint...and her blowjob skills. Alex will be Ollie's 'wing-woman' and get her some much needed dick. Soph decides to tag along to watch all the fun. opening page(s): First page could be Ollie being mopey around the den, especially when she sees the couples there being affectionate. Maybe end the page with Ollie masturbating with a dildo but ultimately not being satisfied by just silicone anymore. Alex happening to overhear Ollie's frustration that night, she approaches her with her proposition the next morning.


I know which one your talking about I would say a short story and it would be the beach trip chapter we’re they did it on the beach but never seen what happened. leaves off what green said with them? Fel ask what they are thinking Pawsy tells her Fel face turn bright red and Green tell her we’re ok with it if you are. Go’s to Al and Fel starts stripping her clothes off then Fel tell him to strip as and this is your bachelor party give. Al nods and start taking his clothes off. They start have sex in different sex positions. Then cut to Deniz and Mugger were they are look through the binoculars. Then leaves off we’re Mugger take her towel off to show Deniz what she was wearing. They start doing it. The cuts back to the other four so it’s a back and forth with the four and and Deniz and Mugger with them in different sex positions. And for the end they climax at the same time I know this part is cliché but it fits. Next morning Al wake up covers Fel and it leaves we’re Al sitting and Deniz walk over to talk and sit with him.


I got one so opens up like this: It night time at the house it slowly shows clothing on the floor from Al and Fel. Then it slowly go’s to the bed room were the bed is creaking back and forth then show them in a sex position like Al on top of Fel but in this universe Fel human and Al is the hybrid. Then cuts to Al saying (so your wondering how how this all happened a hybrid and a human screwing each other like their no tomorrow well it’s a long story). Then shows a couple years back at the lab. Same as the MLWF comic but instead destroy the male hybrids they found a way to suppress their urges so they never needed to make the girl hybrids. 5 made it out Al would be one of them then I was think the other 4 would be Deniz,Alex,Soph,Pwasy as males. After Al tells how they became to be and what happened after the lab then cuts a week back before he had sex with Fel. We’re we see are male characters taking a pill at the den aka Muggers basement. So the premise of the story is that the pills their taking are keeping their sexual urges suppress but their down to their last few pills. All of them are discussing what going to happen when they run out then human Mugger walk in then Monica as well. Monica tell them she my have a cure she thinks it can get their urges under control permanently but it’s going to take more testing to see if this is the solution that can cure them. So it’s a week of them trying their best to control their urges until mugger makes a cure. For the Females in this story would be Fel,Mugger,Trace,Ollie,and Monica all of them would be in human from for this story. So that would be the beginning the middle would be as I said them trying to get their sexual urges under control but they find it hard with the girls with them doing stuff that looks sexual and just imagine it the girls find ways to help them by give them Bj’s,boob jobs,butt sex etc... at the end of the story Monica made a cure but the only way it will work by having sex with them. They agree to it so it becomes a big orgy at the end of the story. So this one idea I had for a after hour story.

Will Feral

An anthology comic of the sexy times alluded to in the comic: 1) An expanded scene of Chad and Alpha opening up to each other, ending with Alpha admitting to herself that she doesn't have to be alone forever as penance and that maybe some humans aren't complete garbage - plus we can see how Chad made her howl (or the other way around?) More romantic, 15-20pp 2) A more extensive view into what happened between the end of the movie and Ollie breaking Jason's bed; more eager/carnal, 10-15pp


Yeh there's also deniz and muggs on that tiny swimsuit doin it on the side as well 👀


Interesting! I already designed hybrid deniz and aldo for some q and as a while back. Sounds fun! It turbs out the answer was "in front of them" all along 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨


I imagine we could fit here what happened in the beach chapter as well :0 20 pages soubds like a lot, especially considering we've already established all the context (and i would copypaste frames from the webcomic to convey it)


What would be the goal that bonnie is trying to achieve in the story? 🤔 Just organize the biggest vr meet n greet (n breed) in the history of vr? I'd also want to know how exactly lewd tubers operate as entertainers 🤔🤔 tbh vtubers of any kind have never caught my attention for very long. Im aware of their presence, but thats about it. Do they work as... Fictional Adult performers? Uploading videos/pics in subscription platforms? Or is it more like camgirls where you interact through a chat room? Or All of the above? And this is awkward to ask, but how do ppl interact /sexually/ in vrchat? Is it just like humping models and letting imagination do the rest? Or are there more complex mechanisms to get fuckin in vr these days? 🤔

Mr Ru

They work the same way with tips and rewards and other content. It's just most times they'd only have audio and their expressions to go off, or cases like Melody where they have full body tracking and some animations to show what they're physically doing, although even that's not perfect. I think the vrchat thing is just a mix of RP and mutual masturbation, but those toys that link up over the internet, could probably play a role. At least in Bonnie's version. To answer the first part last, I guess it's just fun for her? If it's a world where hybrids are still secret, it's also a clever way to let off steam with more people, while they think her appearance is just a very advanced 3D model.


hmmm i'll have to come up with a goal then. That or its gonna be a slice of life porn comic?? with just scenes of her having fun online with no real end whatsoever. which i guess could be a thing?

Mr Ru

I guess on the face of it, it's just Bonnie masturbating and being fucked from all directions. Some streamers do have points goals though, so maybe that can be what escalates things. Doing herself at first, getting the first vr fan come in, then more fans, etc.