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thanks for another finished comic everyone! Time to think of a cover for this bad mama jama. Leave your ideas below, give a like to those you're ok with!




my brain is kinda mush rn i'll see if i can comeup with some ideas over the weekend 🤔🤔🤔


well, i do know it has to focus on the foxgirls, while also saying its in japan. Deniz and Aldo could just be in the background or somthn. Looking at some harem covers, they all (of course) focus on the girls: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/6sakys86ay5mk0f/cover.webp (thats from the latest one i heard about, the one with the redhead quintuplets) I'm thinking maybe something like all the foxgirls sitting and posing around the stairway to a shinto temple would say both "japan" and "hey check this cuties out" Here's a shot of what the bg could be like (i'd add sakuras, just for added weebness, naturally) https://as1.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/01/30/43/88/1000_F_130438888_Cnf9GAwTRFLq0SkDjKqQCSqpoogVEQFH.jpg the dudes could just be super cartoony in the back taking pictures and eating takoyaki as the gaijin tourists they are.


how about this https://doms2cents.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/91Dffa8cJL._RI_.jpg