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Son of a bitch, I did it. That's 43 pages total, the biggest sketch comic to date i think. a thicc comic for a thicc woman.

That only took a whopping 1 year and 8 months lmao.

I took the decision to stop putting the "reading order" page at the end cuz tbh i keep changing that shit every two minutes. I'll make a separate page and put a dropbox link to it at the store or something whenever these come out. Not that it matters much! I think these can be enjoyed standalone, for the most part.

You can find the last 2 pages, cover, and pdf at the dropbox folder now. Enjoy this mammoth of a comic!




Thanks for your hard work 🥳🥳🥳


Thank you so much, man. I love your sketch comics; Monica is well worth the larger amount of pages hehe


Excellant work amigo! I do love Monica to bits. She is my favorite after all. <3


Brilliant! I'm sad to see this comic end, but I'm certain it won't be the last we see of Monica! 🐢


finally. time for a thiiiiiccc download