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Whattup it's 2022 kenno scheduling this before going to bed. Staying till midnight is kinda wack. Just wanted to pop in real quick on my last few days off to say a few words to you, my closest readers. First of all, Happy new years! I hope 2023 brings you success in all your projects.  

2022 will go as one of my best and worst years at the same time.

I managed to finish my webcomic after twelve years. I launched more merch. I attended a con after the pandemic and met all my artist friends i hadn't seen in years. I hired a second artist for even more after-hours comics! We finished the first guest comic too! marking a new era in after-hours comics.

On the flipside, never have I left more projects on the table (i know yall are still waiting on that monica comic ToT). There's at least 4 or 5 separate sketch comics just waiting to be finished. After finishing the webcomic, my back was like "ok that's twelve years im out" and went bust. I got diagnosed with the herniated disk/ degenerative disk disorder, I lost a FUCKTON of valuable work hours basically for the rest of my life, for i'll have to spend them working out mantaining muscle just to prevent living in (more) pain. My daily life had to change. My work environment had to change. My schedule had to change. I can't sit on couches anymore for pete's sake. But i guess that's growing older, I just had to speedrun that shit i guess.

In hindsight, i realize now that keeping the pace i had in my 20s was gonna become unsustainable eventually. the 10 commission sketchcomm streams. the one-day comic pages. updating twice a week. we just never think about that when we're 20 and starting out our careers.

Either way. The dust in all those matters has settled. I got a new routine that should  keep me as pain free as possible, and i'll have to make due with whatever hours I'm left with after that, as ive been doing in the last few months.

I'm hopeful for 2023. It will be the year of the rabbit after all. Just imagine all the bnuy art we can milk out of that! (so many mirukos too oh geez). More stickers will be made (i still havent finished uploading all the ones from 2022 to redbubble even), more guest comics will be made, more foxgirls will be bred (and hopefully we can finish that behemoth of a comic next year!) Who knows what will come after that!?

Have a great new year everybody!



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