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leave your ideas below, give a like to those you're ok with. Onto the last foxgirl!




So, its pretty much set that the next foxgirl will be a milf looking for a 2nd kid. How would you like her to look like? I'm partial to a trisha elric look (aka dead anime mom https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fma/images/6/67/Trisha.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110213044347&path-prefix=es but with alex's sleepy eyes, and sleek rectangular glasses like alex had in the slut wagon comic https://i.imgur.com/XtMR5fW.jpeg And i'd like to go with a white spotting red fox for her colors, like this https://i.imgur.com/IhKzsnI.jpeg (i wanted to go with classic alex colors, but since that's taken by oinari and a 1:1 copy would be kinda weird, i wanted something kinda "adjacent" to that.


Now, how do two dudes stumble upon a local milf near them?


The design I was imagining was almost the total opposite of yours lol. The blonde 'madame president' from Goldenboy : https://i.imgur.com/bQUftPF.jpeg & https://twitter.com/shinobi_sf/status/1325103300430213123 OR katerina solensan from Cowboy Bebop: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/cowboybebop/images/d/df/Ks_%286%29.PNG/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/847?cb=20131205103124


The guys haven't actually experienced fox-island's nightlife yet, so I say they sneak out after a nightly breeding session with Ojou-sama. They could end up in a redlight district, public sex happening on the streets (it's late into breeding week) and the guys escape into a quiet bar. Easy prey for a milf.


sounds nice. I need the internal clock of the comic to run though, they're supposed to stay for a "week" but we're just like 4 days in iirc. I'll have em do touristy things during the day and they could stumble upon the redlight district at night.


I think you'll just need to be loose with the exact day count if the comic is going to end in a reasonable amount of pages. Like I meant 'after a nightly breeding session' to mean *any* night, not necessarily the same day Rika got bred.