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Ok, in this post I'll explain how the After-hours pages are distributed, and how to browse previous pages of the same story: I send specific URLs that basicly take you to a ftp server where the pages are hosted in. To access the FTP server you need an username and a password. The password changes every time i upload a new page. If you see the URLs I give to you, it starts with "patron:cilantroisgreat@..." patron is the user name, that never changes, but the thing after the : is the password, in this case "cilantroisgreat" without quotations. That's the part of the URL that changes every time (aside from the # of page itself) I send you a message about a new page. If you want to see an old page, just copy the last URL i gave you, and change the last part to the number of page you want to see. for example, if I have the url ftp://patron:cilantroisgreat@golemfoundry.com/After%20Hours%203/16.jpg, it should take me to page 16 right? but if want to see page 3, i just change the last part "16.jpg" to "3.jpg" and that's it. the url should look like this: ftp://patron:cilantroisgreat@golemfoundry.com/After%20Hours%203/3.jpg You can also view the entire folder of pages by erasing from the url the last part that directs you straight to the page. Basicly erase "/16.jpg" from the url and you'll get to the folder, the url should look like this: ftp://patron:cilantroisgreat@golemfoundry.com/After%20Hours%203 NOTE: After you open the URL, the URL itself will change. If you try this same technique with the NEW url that will appear on your browser, /it won't work/. You need to modify the url that starts with the username and password. In the previous case, the one saying "ftp://patron:cilantroisgreat@..." I recieved several messages about this issue, I hope this answers all your questions :>




Thanks Kenno, you're the best... Around!


sorry about the late reply but this helps loads :D


srs bsns! ur welcome :> i did it mainly so i can link it to people with issues with the url and whatnot.


Lol kenno you are right cilantro is great when used well. In all seriousness now i see that al is going to have his revenge on the foxy lady :O


I've tried your instructions, but it doesn't seem to take.


:I i missed page 46 and 47 and i cant see them with this log in


This login won't work, because the password has changed! Use the most recent link i gave you. only that will work.