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If you've seen me kinda distant on social media (more than usual), or missing my update days as of late, it's cuz i've been dealing with a pesky chronic set of symptoms on my lower back and right leg since november 2021.

Finally, after 4 months of other treatments, i visited an orthopedist yesterday and got a preliminary diagnosis. The symptoms point towards degenerative disc disease, something most people get eventually. Except i got it at 31 cuz i'm tall (190cm, which i know in other countries is laughably average if not a straight-up manlet, but for Mexico i'm like, Gargantuesque) and I've been working sitting down in front of a computer for the last 15 years or so. the medic can't confirm the diagnosis 100% fo sure without an MRI, but that's kinda expensive so instead we'll see if i respond well to treatment, which would confirm the diagnosis if it works. Once the pain is gone i can start rehabilitation and exercise to help my spine carry the weight by strengthening the muscle around it.

So yeh. I speedran oldness i guess.

either way i wanted to let you guys know 'cuz the medic says i may or may not need spine surgery, if not today, maybe in months or years. 100%  maybe. Hard maybe. So dont freak out if one day i show up like "Hey Vsauce, Michael here, i'll be bedridden for months" or whatever.

That is all. For now i'll continue my treatment and see if i get better. The pain isnt like, massive (a 4 out of 10 maybe), or completely incapacitating, so i can work for now. The webcomic ending soon will help me as well, freeing some of my time to spread my projects better along my schedule and hopefully have more resting time in between. Have a good one! 👨‍🦳


i'm scared

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Oh man, that is rough. The men in my family are prone to it and it is no fun. Bright side, treatment has improved a lot


Espero que te mejores enserio no te presiones, siempre estaremos acá para lo que necesites.. sé que todo saldrá bien para ti! Te mando todo el futa chakra de mi parte.


Gracias :,) Cómo sigue tu muñeca? Ya podemos bondear sobre nuestras lesiones de trabajo ajajajjaja


Pues... ahí va, creo que nunca quedó al 100 pero al menos ya no es tan constante.


Qué te mejores mano pero también trata de cogerlo con calma bro😣


I have been dealing with the same, since I was 29. I am 38 and going well. Let me share you couple of tips: - consider getting standing desk. That will take A LOT of pressure off the affected area. - walk. Not run, walk. As much as you can - as long as your muscles around are strong, symptoms will be less. - pain management: It's very, very easy to get dependant on pain killers, but it decreases their efficacy, and is not light on your body (paracetamol is very hard on liver, while naproxen is a bitch to stomach and upper intestines, etc.). At the same time chronic pain is bad - it amplifies other pain signals, desenitizes your body to to endorphines (so if you stub your toe on a nightstand, it will still ache like two hours ago, instead after swinging your leg and throwing two fucks around). Do your research what you can take, and manage how much you take (I write it down). - do you research on over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs, like paracetamol, aspirin. They will become essential later on (I am for example allergic to aspirin, which crosses out insanely big part of other drugs from use for me). - if presented with option to take steroids, urge the doctor to carefully list every interaction, and side effects. Some doctors like to throw them around without thinking, especially which one. This is sadly, from experience - after I asked a doctor this, he actually rethinked his choice. - Consider getting another opinion from neurologist and sport-oriented orthopedist. While I am from Europe and this may not be available to you, I received some treatment reserved for high class sportsmen: direct to disk injection of a gel that helps wit natural regenerative process and as part of it solidified it acted as a temporary load bearing structure. It does, however, require a doctor who knows what he is doing. - DRINK A LOT OF WATER. Excercise. - Take care of your heart. 190 cm is on the tall enough side for this to be an issue - tall persons often have bigger hearts. Check your blood pressure from time to time. I wish you everything best. Don't be scared - think of it as a moment in your life, in which you will have to care after yourself more. You are a biocomputer (brain) riding a bio-mech built on top of calcium endoskeleton. You can even swap daily armor for it! But it's always good idea to take care of your mech ;) Best wishes and good luck!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-31 04:12:02 Damn, that sounds hard, i hope you get better man, good luck and everything will be good <3 <3
2022-05-01 20:04:16 Damn, that sounds hard, i hope you get better man, good luck and everything will be good <3 <3

Damn, that sounds hard, i hope you get better man, good luck and everything will be good <3 <3


I'm wishing you the best dude!!!