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I was bored this morning and suddenly i got an epiphany kinda thing. I got to collect every single butt shot from the entire webcomic and make a gif out of it. From a webcomic that has been strongly criticized by its alleged large amounts of fan service, I disagree. This wasn't even -half- the amount of butt shots i was expecting. Check the attached file. It's an interesting trip through the history of the style changes from today's pages to the first ones; With butts. goes from the newest page to the oldest.




slow these gifs down! I can't enjoy the scenery


I need me some sir mix a lot to listen too with this.

Anonymous (edited)

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2021-08-08 23:23:47 <a href="http://gifsound.com/?gif=i.imgur.com/t2tXP1F.gif&amp;v=hiVnU4TeV6U" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gifsound.com/?gif=i.imgur.com/t2tXP1F.gif&amp;v=hiVnU4TeV6U</a> sorry
2014-06-14 11:57:17 <a href="http://gifsound.com/?gif=i.imgur.com/t2tXP1F.gif&v=hiVnU4TeV6U" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gifsound.com/?gif=i.imgur.com/t2tXP1F.gif&v=hiVnU4TeV6U</a> sorry

<a href="http://gifsound.com/?gif=i.imgur.com/t2tXP1F.gif&v=hiVnU4TeV6U" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gifsound.com/?gif=i.imgur.com/t2tXP1F.gif&v=hiVnU4TeV6U</a> sorry

kennoarkkan (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-08 23:23:47 xD this is lovely. I made my own version <a href="http://gifsound.com/?gif=i.imgur.com/t2tXP1F.gif&amp;v=Xh_W5hWOWeY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gifsound.com/?gif=i.imgur.com/t2tXP1F.gif&amp;v=Xh_W5hWOWeY</a>
2014-06-14 16:30:40 xD this is lovely. I made my own version <a href="http://gifsound.com/?gif=i.imgur.com/t2tXP1F.gif&v=Xh_W5hWOWeY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gifsound.com/?gif=i.imgur.com/t2tXP1F.gif&v=Xh_W5hWOWeY</a>

xD this is lovely. I made my own version <a href="http://gifsound.com/?gif=i.imgur.com/t2tXP1F.gif&v=Xh_W5hWOWeY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gifsound.com/?gif=i.imgur.com/t2tXP1F.gif&v=Xh_W5hWOWeY</a>