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***I mistagged this post for $5 patrons as well, but i fixed it x.x sorry for the extra email guys. this post is $10 patrons only.




Alright, i think its time to bring this comic around towards its end. How about the next page starts with a monologue of bonnie, explaining how the "training" trip devolved into just constant fucking for the rest of the week. The page would consist of just them banging on 3 or 4 different positions and sceneries. The page could end with the beginning of a conversation amongst the three of them about what exactly their relationship is growing into. I'd imagine bonnie would be anxious, having some questions about the whole thing. "So, what's it gonna be now, Am I like your new girlfriend for both of you? Or are we keeping this casual and off the record? " "Are we doing this again?" "Can we not do it at my place tho?? Imagine my dad accidentally busting us while at it...!"


Maybe Fel could say "From now on we're your fuck-buddies when ever you feel like ;)"


I'd leave the actual setting up of terms for the page after this one, which would be a good final page, i suppose. With them riding (in a car, going back home) into the sunset. My personal idea is that they end up on an actual intimate relationship all 3 of them :O sounds cooler than just being a one time thing. Bonnie would like to continue exploring her sexuality and having two partners she can experiment and share life with would be neat. Aldo and Fel would see Bonnie as an equal now, not the previous mentor-student thing they had going on earlier. I'd like to hear your personal takes on this AUs relationship between bonnie, fel and aldo 🤔🤔🤔🤔


have we had a proper 3-person intimate relationship yet? If I remember right, most of them are casual flings, so this could be something different


Ooh! It just hit me! When Bonnie says "Not at my place, so Papa doesn't see" Fel says "Say no more, I know exactly what you mean, in fact Al and I had a similar thing with his- EEP!" Al pinches her butt "She doesn't need to know that Puss"


@mizaru yeah they've been all casual things. i just think it could lead somewhere interesting later down the road instead of the typical "back to status quo" type of ending. @thestooge xD That's a nice wink to a previous comic, I like it! I'll try to put it in.


what about sex positions and activities in the next pages? I for one would like to see bonnie try some anal. First with aldo eating that bnuy ass, then with Fel just playing with a finger up there (mind you, with a perfectly trimmed and filed nail and not the sharp claws she's got rn) as she's grinding aldo in cowgirl, for example.


Also, Fel, bonnie, or both, riding that dick in amazon position. Just 'cuz its neat.