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well, what do you know, we got a tie between " pawsy's mom 2" and "Meet the parents". 

nnnnnnnnnnnot sure what to do now, we don't have an established protocol for this situation. The most "fair"  option I can think of is calling a tiebreaker, make a second poll with this two ideas only, and give 24  hours for people to vote.

This event makes me think that probably next time I should stop the poll a day before (in this case, thursday?) in case of any ties <.< If i do a tiebreaker, I can't work today and would have to -sit on my ass doing nothing- and start until next wednesday.

The other option is going full fascist and picking one on my own xD but then whats the point of doing a poll in the first place then? :U ...

:I But i feel real bad for skipping a day just like that. --Ech. Now i feel having a discord channel for the patrons is a good idea lol.   

Alright, i guess it's less


if i recall a voting again, i'll leave two comments for each of the ideas, vote for ONE of them by clicking the heart thingy. 

Vote will close tomorrow at 10am 

(I'm leaving a good 12 hours so both americas and eurozone people get to vote comfortably) If we tie again, I'll literally flip a coin or something lol.

What do you think? what should be the process when a tie happens on after-hours ideas? let me know what you think below pleeeeeeeeease. 


(No title)



Like this comment if you want "Meet the parents" to be the next after-hours comic.


Like this comment if you want "Pawsy's mom 2" to be the next after-hours comic.


I think i'll make a wallpaper or work on some unfinished ref sheets or SOMETHING. Try to make something productive out of this downtime -n-

Angelo B.

I never saw the pawsy stuff so let's go with the fungeon.

Mr Ru

Some details for the Pawsy's Mom prompt that didn't make it in the screencap. "Got a better idea on the setup now. Green is paired with Pawsy for a school project and goes to her house for study. They don't know eachother, so Green's very formal and dressed smart but Pawsy is just wearing some lazy house clothes, like denim shorts and tshirt. Something that does a poor job of covering Pawsy in certain positions and making it hard for Green to concentrate. " "Maybe milFel catches Green looking and instead of being mad, she tries to matchmake? Recommending they take a break and watch a movie or something that leads to other things."


if it wins remember we got to see Alfred and Susan in latex at least once


Alright, its saturday and it's way past 10 am CDT. Meet the parents win! That's what the next after-hours going to be