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how should Fel exact her revenge? leave your ideas below, give a like to those you're ok with.




I say next page starts with mary and trace, trying to continue doing their softcore shots, while Fel just keeps ruining them by fucking with people in the back of the pictures.


Mary could be doing this (backwards?) crunches https://www.instagram.com/p/CN8BY7vDDFX/ whilst Fel is getting blown by the green dude, and a female staff member approaches them, to ask them to stop... ...Only to have said girl being fucked by Fel on a stand and carry on the very next frame, on the background of Trace's shot, as she goes back to the yogaball trying to shoot this workout: https://www.instagram.com/p/CL9quSFs9EW/


that's when mary and trace would scream at fel "CUT IT OUT!!! YOU'RE GONNA GET US--" "...Banned? Too late" would reply fel, as she's checking her phone. So they all will have to resort to their more adult social media to continue racking up engagement metrics, forcing trace and mary to lewd it up.


the page could end with the manager of the gym, a short guy with a "staff" tshirt, coming into the scene "What's all that moaning?! Oh-- god... All of you, this is against every rule, stop right this second or I..." Cut to Mary, on a low angle shot just to make her look even taller next to this manlet, now nervous and sweaty, be all like "...Yo. You want to fuck?"


:( god damn zucc. here goes. The mary pose https://i.imgur.com/5GQDJU0.png the trace pose https://i.imgur.com/SHUJejW.png


I had an alternate take on this: once all 3 are banned they confront Fel directly and call a truce for the rest of the day, but theyre still all banned from their accounts for half an hour. "well what do we do in the meantime?" -- cut to Fel and Trace double penetrating Mary.


with the Mary vs manlet thing, itd be extra spice if she does the 'push them up against wall with your arm blocking them in' thing but with her nice muscular leg brought up to box the dude in.


other ideas for Fel ruining the other girls shoots: 1. Fel running up and pulling their tops or shorts (and thongs) down while theyre mid-set. 2. Fel just straight up 'cock selfie' by plopping her dong next to/ on top of their faces when they are taking a selfie. Or while Mary is doing bench presses, Fel volunteers to be her spotter and thats the perfect position to whip her dick out in front of Marys face while her hands are full.