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Up until Friday, March 12th, we'll drop ideas for the next comic here, and we'll give likes, (or comments saying "i vote for this" if likes start to fail) to those we're ok with. By all means, give likes to several, not just one.

Once Friday comes around, i'll pick the three most liked and put them on a FINAL poll, that will decide the winner, by Monday 15th, 7pm Mexico city time/CST

Now, onto the ideas, the usual pointers:

  • Think of a story's beginning and ending, that's usually the best way to figure out where to go. we can work the middle as we go. More complex, cohesive ideas usually get voted up.
  • Good stories usually involve characters going through a change, or explore interesting scenarios.
For example:
A) Bonnie has never had sex with a guy➡️Bonnie bones Aldo and is no longer men-virgin.
B) What if hybrids, instead of soldiers, were exotic dancers?
C) What if a human was accidentally confused for a hybrid?
  • Make sure to suggest which characters (and versions, futa/standard/genderbend etc) would be involved. Just saying "Butts everywhere" sounds alright but it could mean different things with different characters to different people.
  • If possible, suggest how the first one or two pages would look like, that gives me a reference to start the comic with. These pages usually introduce the characters, the setting, and the tone of the story.
  • Length can vary, but 10-12 page-long stories are best. That's roughly 2 to 3 months of work.
  • Pls don't let the thought of "oh nobody is gonna vote for this" to stop you. I rather have some ideas than none.
  • Shorter stories are welcome too! 1-3 pages are totally doable. We just need a solid story or motif to have the toons do some lewds, as usual.    

here are previous posts if you wanna bring back an old pitch which is totally doable


https://www.patreon.com/posts/next-after-hours-23199087 https://www.patreon.com/posts/whats-next-after-17466594


Happy thinking!




Imma be boring and suggest the "What happened on that beach trip" comic again. Specially cuz summer is around the corner. For those who haven't read the canon comic: https://www.mylifewithfel.com/post/331 TLDR Aldo proposes Fel but she's unsure about it. They go on a beach trip to figure stuff out. Fel eventually says yes. Aldo is talking about human traditions before weddings and bachelor parties come to the conversation. Pawsy figures out they can have "debauchery and depravity with friends" right then and there. Muggs and Deniz also do the no-pants dance on their own. What does happen is never shown in the comic cuz its a pg13 comic after all xD We could fill in the blank with this comic. The comic would start with a "previously on MLWF..." page and then on page 2 go straight to the boning. it'd be a pretty straightforward and mostly fanservicy comic.


Someone challenges Bonnie (the adult version, obviously) to a competition where she has to take all the futa members of the den (maybe including October seeing as she's got that new appendage) in succession without cumming. If she manages to do this then she wins a prize. No idea what the prize could be but I'm sure someone can come up with something fitting. Maybe some chocolate or something seeing as it's Easter.


Summer Scales 2 A continuation of the Sketch Comic starring Al, Green and Monica This idea was inspired by BigWeld33/WaylonDaRat's commissions involving Monica, Green, and ass-loving rat Waylon. Futa!Fel, Al and the other girls are enjoying a vacation at the beach. Fel is playing with the other girls while Al is suntanning. Then, he sees Green and Monica standing over him, having asked Fel if he could play with them. Al quickly follows behind, watching their jiggling asses as they move to a more secluded spot. From here, Al indulges his desires with the bootylicious reptile girls. He could give their asses a good massage while he motorboats their asses. Then, they proceed to rub their asses over his face and dick while he eats their asses. And it could end with Al fucking their meaty asses on the beach and in the ocean, where could demonstrate their underwater skills.

Mr Ru

Bringing the 'After Minutes' idea back but with something else. Actually tried to do the Bonnie AH14 addition with the old request tier but it's a few pages short. https://imgur.com/a/vRhW4Db Only a few pages were public, so maybe it could be a short AH or part of a collection with other short stories.

Mr Ru

I could upload the current pages and ideas for viewing but only if Kenno's cool with it.


Al's Birthday Booty Bonanza A parody of my favorite jav video of all time which is essentially nothing but 5 bootylicious women getting their asses played with and fucked by one lucky guy. https://www.r18.com/videos/vod/movies/detail/-/id=avop00371/   The premise is this: It's Al's birthday and Fel has agreed to fulfill whatever wish he desires. So he tells her he wants a night with Monica, Green, Mugger, Mary and Ollie to himself. Later that night, he goes to his room and finds all five of them on his bed wearing g-strings, assless yoga pants and booty shorts. They drag Al to the bed and proceed to give him a night he'll never forget. From here, it would be split into different scenes with separate themes. For example, the first scene would involve Monica and Green oiling his body with their asses while he rims. Then Mugger and Ollie, being the softest would squish their asses against his face like pillows. Then Mary would perform Surra de Bunda and slam her asscheeks against his face. Finally, the girls would all line up, asses in the air as Al happily fucks each of them in the ass. In the end, Fel would come in the room and find Al laying atop the girls' asses like a throne with a smile on his face, proud of her birthday boy.

Mr Ru

https://imgur.com/a/vRhW4Db Here's the current pages. The ending planned was Bonnie laid back and taking things slower until she hears Fel and Al waking up and realizes she has to hurry up and finish. Rapid pumping, big climax, Fel turning the corner and different view of post-orgasm Bonnie as she says "good morning..."

Roxanne DuMont

It be rather fun to see them in their alternate guise in some sort of 1800s ballroom, Some of the more frontline ladies in the unit wearing old cavalry uniforms from the 1800s, dancing and making gossip in massive dresses and such, while under them and in the nooks of the ballroom things start to devolve into the grand mess that kenno comics do

Roxanne DuMont

Equally Someone spiking all the putch at some event with juice that makes you cum really really hard.


Gym Thots starring: (futaverse) Fel, Mary, Trace. Basic Premise: Fel, Mary and Trace are rival social media thots who hit the gym. Not to work out but to take the spiciest photos and videos possible to acquire the coveted Kenno Cola brand sponsor! Only ONE hybrid can have the coveted Kenno Gurl title. First page: Fel struggles to pull on the most ass-hugging, bulge emphasizing, yoga pants she could find. She is heading to the gym, phone fully charged and prepped to share her "workout" with her followers. Once there, she sees two familiar booties. Fel: "you sluts! you stole my idea!" Standing in front of the gym entrance is Mary and Trace, both in their own ass-hugging gym wear, already practicing their sexiest poses for the camera. The girls head inside, ready to bang some fans, sabotage eachothers shoots and to outdo eachother in gym thottery.

The Son of Avalon

As a bunny man, I wish to call up a sort of sequel to AH22 Bunny day with a predator/prey dynamic. Trace wakes up after a slow week/weekend with the NEED to go on the hunt, to find some meat, and the NEED to fuck the hell out of them. Cut to Bravo still not having much luck with her pickup lines on another slow day/night in the den. Trace stalks up on her, flashing her fangs and claws and her commanding and predatory presence(cock). They have a quick chat and end up in Bravo's or Traces room, and maybe pick up Bonnie or another bunny on the way, where Trace locks the three of them in the room for a few days to a week where she dominates her submissive sex prey for the time they're in there. Ending could be something along the lines of Trace going back to her normal routine as if nothing happened, until she gets approached or a knock at her door with Bravo or both bunnies sheepishly admitting they really liked it and may have found up a new fetish they didn't know they had before asking her for another round. Tl;dr - I just want more bunnies and trace man.


Blackcock II: Octopussy sequel to the futa-noir smash hit, AH 23: Blackcock. starring: (futaverse) Mugger, Fel, October, Sharon, Mary, Ollie. basic plot: Detective Blackcock (Mugger) is given an assignment in the 'Wette Pusse' harbor district. She is instructed to tail and outbid mafia boss Fellatio (fel) on an auction for a rare diamond buttplug which contains priceless mafia secrets hidden inside. Undercutting them both, the diamond is stolen by a master of disguise known only as... Octopussy (October)! Now Blackcock is in a race across 'Wette Pusse' to bust Octopussy before Fellatio can! Opening pages: The story would open at the auction with Blackcock (mugger) outbidding Fel to buy time as Blackcock discretely puts the diamond buttplug up her ass and swaps it with a fake. She lets Fel win the fake diamond as she heads back to her room-- being stopped along the way by a sexy woman (from the auction) who was turned on by Blackcock's lack of fear bidding against a mob boss. This ends up in Blackcock taking her back to her room and pounding her ass. Blackcock wakes the next morning to find the woman gone and the diamond stolen from her butt! The only thing left behind being a calling card with the name and symbol of: master thief Octopussy. The rest of the comic would be Mugger trying to find Octopussy while Fel is also in pursuit after realizing she bought a fake diamond. Fel would use Mary as an enforcer with deadly thighs and Ollie could be another Fel goon who tracks Mugger down. Sharon would come later on as a 'racoon eating shark' for when Fel catches Mugger and tosses her into the ocean to 'sleep with the fishes'. In this, October (octopussy) is a thief who exclusively steals expensive sex toys because the thrill of masturbating with stolen gold/jewels is the only thing that can give her an orgasm.

Staniel Das Boot

I dont have a full story idea, I just really want to see one of the girls demand that their partner put a baby in them, then get really embarrassed by the wordage and the revelation of a pregnancy fetish.


YES! I have been wanting to see this since reading that part of the main comic. +1000