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In words of the prophet Kojima:

Didju rike it?

Now, what should the cover look like? Do you have any variants in mind? let your ideas below, give a like to those you're ok with.




I loved it; easily your most gorgeous work since the MGS parody. As for the poster, how about something like this, but sexy? https://www.deviantart.com/gforrydesign/art/2014-ALIEN-1979-POSTER-01a-524791607 All the others I could find were on Pinterest and that sucks so this will have to do.


It was suggested something with this color palette for the cover https://conents-jp.multilingualcart.com/ori/50795/goods_img/goods_646_1.jpg but not exactly -what- 🤔 Yall know more about the alien franchise than I do. Is there a cool or iconic movie poster or visual we could parody here?

Mr Ru

Alien has that famous poster of the egg breaking open and light coming out https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41VReP3cJoL._AC_.jpg I was thinking the center piece could be clothed Mugger's crotch area with light coming out of the budging fly of her pants.


Searching around for ideas I came across this: https://hcgart.com/products/the-perfect-organism-by-vance-kelly I think it works well in terms of color scheme and showing off the whole cast. Also with Mugger taking the place of the xenomorph I think it would work for both the SFW and NSFW variants since it'd be easy to hide the bits as it were. My only real concern is that it might be a bit much? Not my call to make there, though. Also just want to say the last few pages have been great, though the suckers on the tentacle peen are a smidge too "out there" for me. Can't imagine the logistics of those being there...


Happy to see my favourite character, Monica, if only for a sec!

Ian Wolfe

Most of the good posters for Alien are pretty simple, just the alien, or just Ripley. Could do something similar. Or could do one of the more complicated posters that have multiple characters with the Alien in the back like this: https://alternativemovieposters.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/JohnCordero_Alien.jpg The color scheme is usually blue or green shades with lots of black. I kind of like this poster, but not sure how to convert it: https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/58c83cac3e00be1283f4aa38/1558569733456-2M1ZU88K76SRMUGGZPFE/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kH0fOPcaNHrcGgSs7OUJ5ZkUqsxRUqqbr1mOJYKfIPR7LoDQ9mXPOjoJoqy81S2I8PaoYXhp6HxIwZIk7-Mi3Tsic-L2IOPH3Dwrhl-Ne3Z2_VOmu81VRLsNubBE2fzDjeWQwPWPgsHZix02nkA5QxakL3r1G49e-3ZnDLNRdB_t/Alien%2BPoster_small.jpg?format=500w Maybe could have Mugs on the front with her pants stretching in the front, hinting at whats coming kind of thing. If the comic had had someone in a space suit, like in the Alien movie, could have done a cool cover with Mugs reflected in the visor similar to this poster: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/03/5a/1e/035a1e61ba9e4b1fd767bf8066c6f45e.jpg


u guys asked for tentacle penis, I delivered 🤷‍♂️ I HAD TO GOOGLE HOW OCTOPI FUCK, MAN!


I never asked for this. Also I offer you my condolences.


xDD I mean, u dont -personally- i mean you as a whole. the comment had likes, i had to pull through :V but hey, we can always retcon these things in a future installment nobody's gonna complain xd


No worries. I'm okay with a tentacle kinda penis but the suckers are a smidge too weird for me personally.