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leave your ideas below, give a like to those you're ok with. Now that we got the exposition out of the way, i think we can begin the alien encounters. i'm thinking 1 page for the "exploration" phase, of the toon in turn walking around, and muggs finding their way to them, and then 1 (maybe 2? sounds like a stretch) pages of them just being obliterated by that dick and left in a sex coma :D

so we got deniz, soph, alex, october, and (lastly?) Bagheera, so that would be... either 10 or 15 pages from this point forward, plus one or two extra ones of the ending. we're looking at  a 18-22 page comic, which sounds perfect.

Anyways, what's next?




When Denis finds muggs he literally bumps into her butt, then she screeches at him and panel goes static. We show the crew's shocked reactions, then show Denis and muggs goin at it HARD!!!


So... my idea would be for deniz to wander the vents, as we show the other girls on the standby, explaining the heat-detecting contraption they're using to track muggs, that shows the silhouette of the people in a specific area. Deniz would find some precum here and there, wondering what's up with that. At first only Deniz would be visible, then an abstract blob would approach him, slowly taking the shape of a raccoon waifu with a shlong between her legs obs. The rest of the crew would be freaking out of course. The page could end with the iconic alien hug, as best illustrated by ru at the discord https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/256633466710523904/759543001621069824/unknown.png So we can start the next page with the actual banging.

Jack of Hearts

Not a suggestion, but a question. Are we going with the idea Bonnie is too young so she's left out? I apologize if I missed the idea while re-reading this.


I was thinking how could we explain or justify the sex scenes and just avoid the whole non-con issue alltogether xd some of them (like october and bonnie) are already interested enough that they will go down on that cock no problem, but its hard to justify that with everybody i suppose. I was thinking maybe muggs cum has "alien properties" that make ppl horny on contact/smell. So the moment deniz pokes the precum he finds on the ground, he starts breathing heavily, blushing, that sort of thing. That could also work for future encounters, specially the end (which i have no idea how it will end btw, we gotta discuss that further!). Like, how they have to struggle with their own hornyness as they try to catch Muggs. What do you guys think?


No worries. I havent explicitly mentioned it, but this is adult bonnie. When she’s got bangs, she’s around 25, at least according to the last time I mentioned her age with that design :p she’s an adult 👌


I like the aphrodisiac precum idea. Didn't October get some on her face earlier? Seeing as we can't see her on this week's page, maybe she's snuck off and is already rubbing one out somewhere. I'm not suggesting that she be the focus of the next page as that wouldn't make much sense, but maybe that's something to take into account for later?

Mr Ru

Longterm thing but since Alex is being the Ash of this story, do you think we'd have a point where they find her research? Thinking instead of the violent scene, Alex gets 'mugged' and they find her covered in white stuff and quoting Ash. Only she calls Mugger the 'perfect orgasm'.


sounds fun xD She could be the second to last encounter? 🤔 although in the movie they find about ash when lambert and parker are still alive... so idk


if muggs cum has aphrodisiac properties then the ending could be lone "survivor" bagheera discovering the missing crew all fucking each other like animals in heat.


how about during the first few encounters, Alex is discretely sabotaging things so she can get more data on futa Mugger. Her final intent being to eliminate the others and tire Mugger out so she can study her without interference. like over the comms, she gives wrong intel/ overrides Bagheera's orders (with Alex's excuse being "you may be in charge up there, but down here I am the captain and this is my crew")


but eventually Bagheera finds Alex's datalogs that reveal her secret motives and betrayal. what's left of the crew could bind and gag her at this point. (I think it'd be funny if all they had at hand were BDSM sex stuff to restrain Alex lol)


have anybody thought of what the ending is supposed to be? :O We got an orgy ending now. which sounds nifty


if it mirrored the first Alien ending, it'd be Bagheera on her way out, thinking Mugger is subdued when we get the classic horror cliche of the "monster" rising one last time. AKA end as a cliff hanger. Bagheera relaxing, thinking the fight is over, when behind her we see Muggers huge dong come up one last time.


or theres the Aliens (2) ending with the big mech Riply pilots to take on the queen. Bagheera could put on some experimental auto-pumping strap-on the engineers made, to match Muggers power