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Ok, everybody seemed to like the idea of mugger winning! the motif will be that she caressed his balls, a thing that nobody did, and hence won, so i guess it will be mugger cheering and riding Al while Fel gets grumpy and the rest watches the show or something. I want your ideas :O go.




Could Al also take doggie style and give her a reach around?


Mugger winning is awesome. However, if you want to salve Fel's ego, I'd suggest at the moment or orgasm, he screams out Fel's name. Nothing more embarassing to a guy than screaming out a woman's name in mid-climax when fucking another!


Like jerk her off while hes banging her from behind.


I like the idea :o although he's tied to a chair atm xD are you implying that he should be untied after declaring the winner?


Nope :3 Alex has a plan, its why she chose to go last, don't you see it was there all along... She has something mixed in with her lipstick :3


i like maverikat's idea :x mostly because im stuck in the canon like a baby. buuuutttttt, xav's idea sounds super fun. just gotta come up with a twist. :P


oh boy that would be so evvviiill!! D: I kinda like it xD but i wouldn't know what to do with the drama that might generate tho.


I think mugger should win, I mean she kinda wanted to be with him in canon so she should get her chance here at the after house. But then again the brains here is Alex and that should be quite a twist, I'm just conflicted D:


I just don't know what could we do with all that drama D: Mugger would start crying and everybody would look at Al and judge, although Fel would have an evil grin painted on her face!


All these ideas are so good!


although I'd like to see Fel win but be a good sport about sharing. ;3