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And the crazy mofos wake everybody in the block at 6 am with those noisy tractors and their slugs @_@ I believe they are going to change the tubes of the sewers or something cuz usually in rain season, a big lake is created right outside of my building too xD like 10-20cm deep and fills all the street xD it's pretty wacky. Not a very art related update, i know xD But I felt had to share my suffering with someone :X




...Whelp. There goes the neighborhood.


jesus christ. over here they have to at least send out a letter to all residents or let them know by telling them in advance if they will do stuff like that.


Damn you all who disturb the Art Gods sleep!


I'm in Interior Alaska. EVERYTHING is a lake this time of year. One day, -13F. The next? IT'S 50 AND I'M DRESSED FOR WAY COLDER