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check your PMs! My suggestion for next page is having fel popping her head through the door where Al is, while Al is doing his taxes with headphones. Al takes them off when he sees Fel and fel is like "Baby, we ran out of soda, would you mind going to the store???" while she makes weird faces, pausing and blushing, cuz the girls on the other side are either fucking her/rimming her ass/sucking her dick or all at the same time O.o! So Al walks out the room, and the sec he's out, all the girls jump on him and tie him to a chair, for the rainbow party we mentioned before!! Leave your suggestions on the comments please! Say which ideas you prefer or which ones you don't!




Poor, poor Al. He's gonna be made into SUCH a bitch. But it's enjoyable to watch! X3


oh my god I love the idea of fel getting rimmed on the other side of the door! you have really been in top form with your ideas kenno!


also rainbow party? when was this mentioned? does it involve more butts? :3c


i was thinking that rather then go get more soda fel asks al to fix the tv cause the video games weren't appearing on the screen so they couldn't play any mario cart then he comes out half asleep then the girls tackle him plus your idea with them rimming fel and al waking up to find a ball gag in his mouth surronded by the futa strike force


Will the next one be the last page?


T_T I have to wait a month... OMG can't I just paypal you some moneys and get on the list? This is torture!


xD sorry but no! I know it's hard, but think about it, you'll get all the pages you missed instantly :O!


Up vote. I'm a game nerd so any chance to throw love that way is great.


Not really. Basicly each girl picks a different lipstick color, put it on, and suck on a cock, leaving a trail of that particular lipstick color. By the end of it, the dick will look like a rainbow!