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Since this babianen person keeps coming in every time i update things, i decided not to put the high res versions of the pages on the pages posts. What i will do is just give you the final high res pdf (just like last time), at least I think that kinda diminishes the damage of having after hours reposted on e-hentai.



ahh i get ya man thanks for clearing it up and yeah it sucks when people ruin things for others :{


PDF... I hope I can open it.


Alright, I completely understand. You've got to do whatever you can when it comes to maintaining your livelihood. Thank you very much. I wish there was more that could be done to deter idiots from continuing to redistribute things like that. Still can't believe he uses the same name on both sites.


Can't you just kick the guy? Anyway, I don't think that's going to do much, since you're already releasing low res censored stuff on tumblr. Not having the high res makes this sort of pointless IMO, since that's a large part of what I'm paying for. People are gonna pirate your stuff no matter what, but it's not like you're starving, you've got a ton of money coming in from patrons so this seems like you're cutting off your nose to spite your face.


all comics are saved in high res in PDF format. It's perfect for its purpose :o after hours 1 and kemono academy are on PDF as of right now even =O you can download the reader for free


The name thing... it is goofy, but at the same time is shameless and in-my-face. feels... ugh


I've already talked to the staff and i got a "we're working on a feature for that". I don't think it's pointless. If somebody is going to FUCK ME IN THE ASS, at least i won't let them enjoy it throughtfully. I thought of a... mild solution tho, and it has to do with sending the final pdf when it is done. There is a feature to send a message to all the "processed" patrons, or the ones who paid that particular month, I can send a message with a download link for the zip file with whatever password and that's all. free high res for loyal patrons. The only inconvenient? waiting. Hey, i could even send high res versions to everyone that way! (it would be kinda spammy tho, so i'm not sure of the people's reaction) I think the next thing that hurts me the most after seeing my time stolen, is having to cut short the things i give to my supporters. Why the good people has to bite the bullet for one or two assholes, right? But then again the question comes forth, What am I supposed to do? Just sit down, accept my fate and do nothing about it? My answer to that is no, i have to at least TRY and do something. If I sat down and did nothing against obstacles, to be honest, I wouldn't be right here, right now, with this successful proyect and getting to know all this amazing people. Perhaps what i'm trying to do is wrong, who knows, but it's trial and error. I have to keep trying until something -works-. I'll send you a PM soon.


Waiting won't kill me. Send it along how you like when you've got time.