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That's a lot of ass. Don't stare at it for too long, for your retinas' sake.




So, how about next page wraps up green's performance, with a literal "money shot", and the gurls going backstage, introducing some other characters already taking their makeup and outfits off. I suppose we'll focus on that particular set of girls for the rest of the comic. Who are these characters gonna be?


Also, this is when we start worldbuilding this AU's mechanics. where exactly do they work? do they do this for a living? Are they only employees to the lab? Is there any human or whitecoat behind their operation?


Also, if you want to see green doing a particular dance move, i compiled most of my ref material on this youtube playlist. Beware, lots of booty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WtJ0zBVpQo&list=PLxV3zTfhMVoVKRUFISaQouvzQNuax-ggt&index=1 link a video and a timestamp, and throw likes on those you like n such.


Oh i was also thinking the rest of green's routine should be ground-focused, since she's a snek and all.


I think Monica is a given, but aside from her I nominate Ollie and Mary. Mary is extra shiny so that'd look great here


I would say Eclair and Ollie as some of the girls. Eclair can be the instructor who teaches the girls how to dance in different styles of dances. Ollie because she THICC that’s why.


As for world building I have 2 ideas here’s the first one. It’s a strip club call The Safari own by the white coats. Nobody knows that the girls are hybrids. They do different kinds of styles of dancing and entertainment at the club and a little bit more like a one on one lap dance or even more of a one on if you have the funds for it ;).


How about separate labs crafted each girl, thinking their hybrid model was best (each lab emphasized different traits like futa, big anime tiddy, booty, etc.). Each girl is sent as a representative to compete against the other labs' dancer in a competition. The winner will get their lab research funding and an all expenses paid trip to disneyland I guess


Second idea: The girls are sent to different clubs around the world to dance and perform and they ain’t no chip strip clubs either their high exotic clubs. The white coats are only ones that know the girls are hybrids and they advertise the girls like the closest you ever get to a tiger you ever get something like that. I’m not good at advertise but you get the idea. Send The girls out into the world to dance.


Forgot to say that it’s regular Eclair not Futa Eclair


Well I don't have a huge idea, but I do have an idea for one panel of them pressing their asses together.


https://66.media.tumblr.com/a48fe4b4a46d152ae2b7d0a8f7fc2438/tumblr_oick9clLdB1u0h18no1_540.gif (Minus the Dildo)


I like this one. It resembles the original idea of the webcomic the most. They send squads of girls on tours, as opposed to being mercenaries.


Using this idea of the dance stand off each branch of the lab could have his own silly specialty name. A bit like those crazy martial arts styles in shonen. Each group would have it's own page displaying one main dancer. I gave it a thought and found these five. 1. The Extra Thick Style: Composed of Mugger, Monica and Honey. 2. The Beautiful Fluff Style: Composed of Ollie Teen Bonnie and Pawsie. 3. The Oily Halo Style: Composed of Green, Sharon and October. (using oils to show their furrless body to their best.) 4. The Snu 2X Style (aka Snu Snu style): Composed of Alpha or Moonlight, Eclaire and Marie (only the ripped girls) 5. The Size Doesn't Matter style: Composed of Alex, Soph and one of the bunnie maybe Swift ? (It's the "thin white girl" group. They don't have shapes to compete against the other groups, but they are stubborn.) And I agree, at the end, the winning branch will decide of the budget of every department. I wonder what kind of nice gift the top team could get ? A week as guests in a male stripper club ? Their own Mala-chan danceshow at the Mala-resort ?


My thinking was government owned clubs, whitecoats observing for research purposes, and the clientelle are government officials/friends/etc.