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Here's a long overdue life update. I don't like talking about my health online because when people do it, they're usually asking for money. Fortunately I am not, but I gotta keep you up to speed because it has been impacting my work for quite some time now.

I wont get into a lot of detail tho, you'll have to google it yourself and never be able to unsee it lmao. I got this thing called varicocele, which apparently is super common and some men live with it all their lives without showing any symptoms. But I do. I've been managing the pain several years already, not knowing exactly what it was, until I went to get checked by a specialist 3 months ago and they found it. By then I didn't have the dosh to get the job done, so I had to wait for a while. Then the moving came by and a slew of other problems started piling up.

I've been suffering prostatitis for the last 4 months, if not more. Which basically means my prostate is like that of a 60 year old man, and i'm 28 xD I gotta pee a lot, peeing used to hurt (at least now it doesn't) and it keeps me up at night. speaking of sleep, I've been suffering insomnia for the last 4 months too. woopdeedoo.  I apologize if i haven't been exactly easy the last few months. I've had a lot on my plate.

long story short, apparently it's all stress, most likely due to the house purchasing and moving and years of living in pain and whatnot. either one of those elements or the combination of them detonated this mess.  

Fortunately some of those issues have finally started to solve. I'm on my new place (although apparently my body gave up after that and now i got a cold, great), gotta still prepare the old one to give the keys back to the landlord, the varicocele will be gone (which fortunately is a simple enough surgery, you walk out the clinic that same day) and hopefully once all that stress is out of my life the other problems will go away too. Hopefully.

Anyways, what does this mean to you my sweet sweet patrons?
Surgery is next monday, so there won't be any MLWF page then. Bons will have to wait.
Recovery is around 10 days. I don't know how bad the pain will be or if i'll be able to sit down for long periods of time. Soooooooooooo I don't know if i'll be able to start the next after-hours page that week. If i am and i actually manage to finish a page, you should be getting it by friday, as usual. Hopefully the week after that i'm back in the saddle.

Thanks for your understanding 😷




Hey, take your time and show your balls (or rather their veins) who's boss - we'll still be here in a week or two (or even three)... :) (BTW - the latest page is still missing on Webtoons; I guess that's related?)


Heya! For some reason webtoon didn't allow me to interact with the website. It just appeared greyed out. Kinda like when a popup appears, but there's nothing. So i just didn't post it. I'll try again later.


Best wishes for a quick recovery and my sympathies to you. That feeling of youthful immortality is too damned brief.


I hope the surgery goes off without a hitch! Good luck :)


Rest easy and take care! We'll wait here for you, no sweat!


Oh shit! Sounds like a royal pain in the ass. Hopefully you'll get it fixed and be right as rain in no time.


Hope you get better real soon


take your time to heal man


I will pray to the gods for your balls safety and a quick recovery. But seriously wish you luck on your surgery and hope everything gos well all hail the AllFather.

Bigweld (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-08 23:04:02 Hope they get your junk in the front all ship shape amigo! Do take care and rest easy. <3
2019-12-01 21:25:51 Hope they get your junk in the front all ship shape amigo! Do take care and rest easy. <3

Hope they get your junk in the front all ship shape amigo! Do take care and rest easy. <3