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Ok, check this out, this is how the paid updates look like for the content creator. You can see each page and how much money did it raise according to your patrons and their budget limits. It says also how many patrons have been processed, right now it says 0, but that changes when it's the beginning of the month and credit cards start to get processed :p Now, what I want you to pay attention to, is the pledged amount. If you look at the second to last update, that's page 191, you'll see it says "0 pledged out of 0 patrons" which is WEIRD and it should NOT be like that. I basicly did a page, but patreon didn't catch it as a paid update properly? i don't know, it's weird. Why am I telling you this? Well, because in the worst case scenario, I would have to repost that particular page as a paid update AGAIN, just to recover those 300-400 USD that that page didn't got >_>. Don't worry, i've already talked with the patreon staff and they told me they were going to fix it somehow, but i just wanted to let you know beforehand so it doesn't strike you weird if that worse case scenario happens :P





huh another bug with patreons system perhaps? even tho they have come so far they still tend to have bugs but anyways its good your on top of it man and they're helping you out with the issue


nice to know how this works ^^


yep to be honest they reply really fast pretty much everytime :o


Patreon is a nice concept, but has still a lot of problems in the code.