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In my family, Risk always ended in knife fights.


Luckily, in my family nobody had the attention span to finish a game like Monopoly or Risk, so whoever stuck it out the longest won. Which meant they had to set up everything next game. The unfriendliest game my family ever played was Chess, the friendliest was poker and blackjack for pennies.


I love the "fox say" references.


<a href="https://24.media.tumblr.com/95098a5af8764fe085d733dae9f83479/tumblr_n1orn5xclq1rpc5kho1_500.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://24.media.tumblr.com/95098a5af8764fe085d733dae9f83479/tumblr_n1orn5xclq1rpc5kho1_500.gif</a> Muggs will win because she has secret weapons


risk is all about luck


i just love the little fortune advice things in the corner every week.


there's a lot of trick and deceit! from leaving your other fellow players without snacks to make them go sleepy and make poor decisions, to joke about your enemy but actually meaning stuff to manipulate everybody else D:!


no its about knowledge...and has very little to do with luck. that what you call luck, is a thing you cant control, but you can control how you experience.


I love how Alex tries to compare the complexities of human nature to a waffle. This is one of my favorite pages you've done, next to the EpicMealTime parody, which I actually want to try and make. Also, I notice Mugger brings a two liter, no cups. Classy.

kennoarkkan (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-08 23:28:19 xDDDDD The comparison, so subtle and complex at the same time... oh waffles, i love you &lt;3
2014-03-11 13:40:17 xDDDDD The comparison, so subtle and complex at the same time... oh waffles, i love you <3

xDDDDD The comparison, so subtle and complex at the same time... oh waffles, i love you <3


Like it sometimes has something to do with what's going on and sometimes it's 4am and it's that thing you go to bed thinking about.