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How bout next page starts with al's reaction to her food. I was thinking Al is gonna taste Muggs passion, skill and emotion, all the things she's unable to show cuz she's too shy. Im picturing smol muggs doing japanesey things like smashing mochi, slicing tuna, doing nigiris on their palms, and playing taiko drums in skimpy clothes. Cut to aldo and muggs lying on the tatami, sweaty and rustled after that food-orgasm. That's when muggs says the whole "Glad u liked it, its the only thing im good at..." and the touching starting :X


Maybe when he eats it feels like Mugger embracing him tightly and kissing him-- that kind of foodgasm imagery. He feels that love and wants to be sweet to her in return. As for the touching, that could happen when Mugger tries to clean a stain off his shirt or something. As is dinner date tradition