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How should we proceed? Leave your ideas below :D vote for the ones you're ok with!



Mr Ru

My first thought was that after the pawjob, Pawsy mounts up and makes out with Green as they both ride Al. Bit standard though. Maybe a better idea would be them grinding together with Al's dick in-between. More limestripe contact without ruling Al out.

Sierra Teylaas

Definitely want to see Fel hot-dogging Monica!


How about this, next page we make it all limestripes+al, next one after that just monica and futafel, the rest of the pages, everyone together!


how about we put something like this in the next page? (caution, it's super NSFW) <a href="http://puu.sh/hN3kk/e3269f415c.webm" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://puu.sh/hN3kk/e3269f415c.webm</a> i suppose green would be the one eating Al out cuz magic snake tongue powers