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This was on that old 2011 tiny sketchbook of white pages where the leaping muggers came from. (god i had an awful pencil back then, the lines look so light and ughh) Anyways. Apparently I was listening to this particular song that I really like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_YqPWS3H4U It's just a happy song in spanish that talks about saying goodbye to melancholy for meeting a particular woman, but the beat is pretty cheerful and nice. (in a funny note, all the latinamerican internet hate that artist, cuz some of his lyrics are just really silly and most of his songs are aimed towards mature, 40some ladies, but whatevs i find some of the songs really nice and happy, and that's good.) That made me thought of muses. IDK if you've noticed but many artists tend to draw a particular character or thing -very- often (specially on the beginning of their career). That's their muse. And muses are good, cuz they give you all the excuses you need to draw over and over and over again. artblocks ain't SHIT, if your love for drawing that muse is strong enough. So that's my advice for today, if you're into art. you can find yourself a muse, and draw draw draw him/her/it. Looking back, look where my own muse took me (Fel if you haven't figured it out, in which case wtf is wrong with you?!). the webcomic, the pr0nz, the commissions. You're reading this, that's how far she got me.




tl;dr never give up!


this helps kenno thank you