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The next part goes like:
" p.4 «Well ladies, time to use your equipment to step up your game with these next moves..» Trace is holding a shake weight. Fade out Miss Fel and Mugger are in their respective gardens, gathering up near the same hedge. Fel: I never thought I wasn’t the only one exercising in front of Hom-alone. You are looking great sweaty ! Mugg: Don’t tease me please... You’ve got a far better figure than me Miss Fel. I don’t even know why you would have to exercise ! Fel: Don’t say that. Beauty comes in every kind of shapes, and as a rump girl you are packing ! I’m sure your man loves it !  Hehe, big kitties tend to get flabby when they’re lazzy ! *pats herself* Come home ! It would be much nicer to practice together wouldn’t ? "

Also, should the moms come out to the garden in their same outfits? Or put something else on? 




I think Mugger would put a jacket or bathrobe over her workout clothes. Fel would probably be bold enough to just walk out as-is while chugging a bottle of water, spilling some water on her chest.


Good call! I was thinking a silk robe cuz that's a very "american suburb" thing xD


yeah a short silk robe <a href="http://www.whereibuyit.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Short-silk-robes-for-women.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.whereibuyit.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Short-silk-robes-for-women.jpg</a> we can get a nice embarrassed mugger taking it off later


Instead of patting herself, maybe Fel should give her rump a good jiggle!