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http://puu.sh/h5vgd/693f912fdd.png Ok, we're going to talk about something awkward and tacky: Earnings. That's march earnings guys. The actual amount to be collected was 1500+ but a lot of you got declined and didn't do anything about it, or you did but perhaps too late, so that's that. What concerns me is that since the monthly patreon campaign change back in january, the support has only decreased more and more (even though the amount on the homepage might not give that idea, the actual money i've recieved has been significantly lower than that, we're talking your amazing support reached between 2000-2200 USD before the monthly system change). If it reaches the point where it goes below a certain threshold, i'm afraid i'll have to lower the amount of reward content I make :/ and that's just awful. I'm talking about after-hours. On the previous system, when we reached the $300 per weekly update milestone, the "twice a week after-hours update" reward was unlocked (it's still on the "milestones reached" thingy, you can check it out). If this situation continues, and it goes below $1100 per month, i'm afraid i'll have to return to a once a week update only :( (the limit should be 1200 cuz 300x4=1200, but since the real amount i got back then was lower than that because monthly limits, i'm leaving it at 1100). This is just to raise awareness of paydays guys. It really shows when people gets declined, and on a monthly basis system it shows A LOT more. Please, when the beginning of the month comes in, check your emails. If you get declined, please make something about it :( I know a lot of dear patrons give their sefless support, and forget about it after a while. Nothing wrong about that! except when it actually doesn't get to us T_T...




Ian Wolfe

Yeah, Patreon doesn't seem to want to take my money. My credit card company isn't even seeing the charges, whatever service Patreon uses is just refusing to charge my card. So that's where some of the money went, I'm trying to sort it out but it's quite annoying.


I double checked my own payment and it seems things DID work out alright for the March payment (new card issued, had to update payment settings, etc). It's a little troubling that the amount pledged seems to have tapered off, especially considering that, while I don't usually say much, you produce a great volume of fantastic art. I'm hoping this is just a coincidental bunch of people just forgetting to update payment settings or what have you rather than a legitimate drop in support.


It's completely understandable to cut back a bit if the earnings can't cover it, would it be a problem to go back to per update? That system seems to work out better for most o,o


I'm honestly thinking about going back. But I'll wait until next month. If the support keeps going down, i'll make a post about it to discuss it with all patrons :S


You now show as pending, so even if your money wasn't sent to me this time, if it's successfully processed, it will be sent to me next month with all next month's pledges. If it helps, I know patreon uses a company called Stripe payments to handle the credit cards :$ but that's all the intel I have. Also, I tried myself to re-submit my own credit card because my own pledges were showing as declined, and for some reason stripe didn't want it and said my postal code was wrong and I tried so many times that my bank thought it was a scam or something and blocked my credit card XD nothing serious i just had to call the bank to show everything was OK, but silly nonetheless. Why my own pledges are rejected everytime every month remains a mystery.


So a thought for those of you who might be experiencing payment problems. Use Paypal OR more than one Credit Card. as back up. This is how I do the thing <a href="http://i.imgur.com/BPtU5Rc.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/BPtU5Rc.png</a> so i don't miss payments. Really it's super easy.